
 The three little guys just shook their heads.

“Auntie, let’s get in the car.” Lan Lan smiled and took Li Jiaojiao’s hand to get in the car.

“Okay, come on, Keke, Dingding, and Xiaoxiao, let’s get in the car first.” Li Jiaojiao had no choice but to take the initiative to say hello to the three little guys.

 Three little guys followed them into the car.

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with your feet?" Li Jiaojiao asked in surprise after she got in the car and found that her little feet were shaking and lame when she walked.

 Xiao Xiao lowered his head and said nothing.

"Auntie, Xiaoxiao was pushed to the ground by Lanlan just now and hurt her knee." Ding Ding couldn't help but complained directly.

Li Jiaojiao's face darkened, and she immediately looked at Lanlan and asked, "Lanlan, why are you pushing Xiaoxiao?"

Lanlan hesitated: "Auntie, I just want to play with Xiaoxiao, I don't really want to push her."

“Nonsense, you pushed it on purpose.” Ding Ding was not afraid of death after all, and stared at Lan Lan fiercely.

Lanlan was a little scared.

The smile disappeared from Li Jiaojiao's face: "Lan Lan, you are all brothers and sisters. You should get along well with each other and don't push others."

"Okay, aunt, I won't do it next time." Lan Lan immediately admitted her mistake.

Li Jiaojiao hurriedly picked up Xiaoxiao, sat on her lap, and opened her pants. Sure enough, the little girl's knees were red, and one of her knees was scratched.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be afraid, I'll give you some medicine." She immediately brought the medicine box from the back and gently applied medicine to Xiaoxiao.

 The small grievance caused tears to fall down.

"Don't cry, my aunt is criticizing Lan Lan." After applying the medicine, Li Jiaojiao gently wiped away her tears and turned to look at Lan Lan with stern eyes.

Li Jiaojiao knows best what kind of virtue Lanlan is.

“Lanlan, you broke your little knee like this, please apologize.” Li Jiaojiao said in a stern tone. Lanlan glared at Xiaoxiao hatefully.

"You know what? Apologize, otherwise I will call your daddy." Li Jiaojiao spoke again.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you, please forgive me." Lan Lan apologized immediately. If she told her father, she would be scolded.

"Lan Lan, forget it this time. If you dare to do this again next time, I will tell your Aunt Shen Ning, grandma, and daddy to deal with you." Li Jiaojiao is not used to Lan Lan's bad habits.

"Okay, I won't." Lan Lan agreed verbally, but she didn't care in her heart. She just hated Ding Ding for daring to sue her.

Hmph, Damn Tintin, just wait, I will let the pebbles kill you tomorrow!

 She said in her heart, looking at Ding Ding seriously.

Ding Ding held his little hand without looking at her.

 Coco has been silent.

After returning to Li's Castle, the three little ones were in a better mood because of Li Jiaojiao's arrival. They just played with Li Jiaojiao, but Lanlan did not dare to give them orders because Li Jiaojiao was there. He couldn't play with them, so he had to go back to his bedroom.

 As soon as she returned to the bedroom, she called Shen Mei.

“Xiao Xiao, what’s wrong?” Shen Mei was hanging out with A Kang when she heard the phone ringing and picked up the phone and asked.

 “Mommy, Aunt Jiaojiao is here.”

"What's wrong with her?" Shen Mei asked disdainfully, not even noticing this crazy girl.

“Aunt Jiaojiao is very kind to Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao, and she will protect them.” Lan Lan felt aggrieved.

"It's okay. She will stay for a while and then leave. In the evening, I will go to cheer you up and help you teach those three little **** a lesson." Shen Mei comforted her hurriedly.

 “Okay.” Lan Lan hung up the phone with a smile.

After putting down the phone, Lan Lan felt bored by herself. After thinking about it, she called Xiao Shitou and decided to take care of them tomorrow.

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