In Blue Whale Kindergarten.

"Director Yang, look, my grandson was beaten until he vomited blood. If you don't give me an explanation this time, I won't leave." When Shen Ning rushed to the kindergarten, Liang Ruqi had already arrived. She saw My grandson, Xiao Shitou, was beaten until he vomited blood. He refused to give up, wiping his tears and snot from his nose. He cried and shouted while holding Xiao Shitou, looking like he was deeply hurt.

"Mrs. Li, don't worry, it's just children quarreling and fighting. Our school will handle it." Director Yang accompanied them carefully.

Shen Ning took three steps and then two steps in.

 Xiaoxiao was lying weakly on the small bed in the infirmary, her eyes tightly closed, and the school doctor was cooling her down physically.


Coco, Ding Ding stood next to Xiao Xiao with his head hanging down, a look of fear on his face.

“Xiao Xiao.” Shen Ning ran up to Xiao Xiao like a gust of wind.

"Ms. Li." The school doctor and teacher saw her coming and immediately explained to her: "Xiao Xiao has a high fever. We took her temperature just now and it was 39.3 degrees. The little girl's mental condition is not very good now. We are giving her After physical cooling, the temperature has dropped a bit."

"Xiao Xiao." Shen Ning bent down and looked at Xiao Xiao with heartache, and gently touched her forehead with his fingers.

"Mommy." Xiaoxiao opened her eyes when she heard Shen Ning's voice, her eyes full of longing, fear, and unfamiliarity.

"Xiaoxiao, come here, mommy holds her." Seeing the abnormal blush on her daughter's face and her weak body, Shen Ning's heart ached, and she reached out and gently picked up Xiaoxiao.

 Xiaoxiao looked at Mommy with her eyes open.

This is still my own Mummy. Her face is full of gentleness and concern, but not as cold and ferocious as that night.

"Mommy." After being held in Mommy's arms, Xiaoxiao felt the warm and familiar breath, and her heart calmed down unconsciously. Tears of disappointment fell straight down, and she held Shen Ning tightly with her fingers. The clothes were choked with sobs, "Mommy, please, don't leave us, we love you."

Shen Ning was stunned. This little guy was actually afraid that she would not want them anymore. It seems that I have been taking care of Xixi and Beibei these past few days and have neglected them, making them feel insecure.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, Mommy will never want you. You are all Mommy's good children. Your younger brothers and sisters are sick these days. They are younger than you. Mommy can only take care of them, but Mommy is right Your love is the same." Shen Ning held Xiaoxiao in her arms, kissed her forehead, and kept comforting her.

Coco and Ding Ding also raised their heads and looked at Mommy. Mommy’s words to Xiao Xiaoxiao made their cold hearts come alive, and they looked at their Mommy for a moment.

"Shen Ning, tell me, Keke hit the pebble so hard that he vomited blood. What are you going to do?" At this time, Liang Ruqi rushed over and asked loudly.

 Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she got into her mother's arms.

 Keke and Ding Ding lowered their heads again.

"Aunt, don't be anxious, let me understand the situation first, okay?" Shen Ning hugged Xiaoxiao tightly and spoke warmly.

"My grandson has vomited so much blood, what else do you want to know? You feel sorry for your child, and I feel sorry for my grandson." Liang Ruqi was very impatient and spoke harshly.

Shen Ning said softly: "Aunt, it is inevitable for children to quarrel and fight, but no matter what, we must understand the situation clearly. Children are the most afraid of being wronged. They are still young and have no sense of right and wrong. As adults, we must be aware of it. Qiu Hao, let them know right from wrong, so that they will not make mistakes again when they grow up. Don’t worry, I will never wrong any child. If Keke really hits your house with a small stone for no reason, I will definitely do it. I’ll give you an explanation, okay?”

 She is neither humble nor arrogant. She speaks softly but has a firm attitude.

Liang Ruqi felt as if her outstretched fist was hitting a piece of cotton. It was weak and weak. The anger suppressed in her heart could not be expressed, and she even felt a little flustered.

 After all, she already knew something about the situation, and most likely knew what Xiao Shitou had done. She felt that she would not have much of an upper hand today.

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