"Yes, that's right." The dean on the side immediately agreed, "Young lady Li is right. Now that things have happened, the children's health is the most important thing. We should send the children to the hospital first and let the doctors quickly Check their body. If there is any pain, it will be troublesome if it is delayed. As for the right and wrong in the middle, they are all children. They themselves cannot distinguish between right and wrong, and the school's surveillance is there, so they can be found out later. clearly."

 After saying that, she insisted on taking everyone to the hospital.

Liang Ruqi had no choice but to follow the advice.

In this way, everyone rushed to the hospital.

 In the hospital.

 The doctor immediately treated Xiao Shitou and Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao has a cold, there is no doubt about it, just take medicine to reduce the fever.

 But the small stone was an internal injury, and Liang Ruqi described his injury as very serious.

The doctor did not dare to make a judgment and immediately asked him to take X-rays and conduct various instrument tests.

"Doctor, how is this child's injury?" Two hours later, the slight fever subsided, and Shen Ning walked into the doctor's office.

 It just so happened that Liang Ruqi, Xiao Shitou and the dean were both there.

The doctor turned on the computer and checked it, then said: "Fortunately, there are no internal injuries, there are some external injuries, and they are not very serious."

Shen Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 But Liang Ruqi seemed not satisfied with this answer.

“Doctor, my grandson vomited a lot of blood.” She asked reluctantly.

The doctor looked at the little stone and smiled: "The little guy vomited blood, but that was not an internal injury, but blood from a loose tooth. Just take him to the dentist for a checkup. Don't worry, if he really suffers If he vomited so much blood due to internal injuries, he would have been unable to stand up for a long time." Liang Ruqi was speechless, but the expression on her face was not very happy.

“Brother and sister, Xiaoshi Shitou was not injured internally. You are not happy at all.” Suddenly, a voice came from behind, “Do you want your grandson to be seriously injured?”

Liang Ruqi’s face darkened and she turned her head.

 I saw Li Wanqing walking in with a mocking smile on her face.

“Mom.” Seeing Li Wanqing coming, Shen Ning immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Li Wanqing took her hand and squeezed it tightly, telling her not to worry.

Shen Ning understood and felt grateful.

"Sister-in-law, no matter what, it was your grandson Keke who beat my grandson Xiao Shitou. Look at his face being swollen. We can't just let this matter go." Liang Ruqi immediately pulled Xiao Shitou up and pointed. His face turned towards Li Wanqing to complain.

"Really, but I just listened to my granddaughter's novel. She had a high fever and was lying on the flower pond. Xiao Shitou actually took off his pants and peed on her head. How can such a bad behavior occur in a civilized society now? Sister-in-law, You're such a worrying tutor." Li Wanqing glanced at Xiao Shitou's face and replied sharply.

Liang Ruqi’s face turned gray.

"This is Xiao Shitou's fault. He is a bit naughty, but we can't beat him like this." She argued forcefully.

"How did it turn out?" Li Wanqing raised her eyebrows, "Isn't it just that one of the teeth was a little loose? It's the age when children are changing their teeth. It's hard to say whether it was cocoa. Besides, some time ago, Xiao Xiao Two of my teeth were maliciously pushed out by your pebbles. I haven't settled the accounts with you yet, but now you are making things difficult for my daughter-in-law just because of a tooth. Isn't it too much of a double standard? If so. , then let’s just settle it together.”

 Li Wanqing was very imposing and her tone was stern.

"Auntie, we haven't found out the whole story yet. My little knee was broken. Don't worry, I will definitely find out about this matter. Why did the little stone urinate on my daughter's head? I also want to find out and give my daughter an explanation." Shen Ning also said coldly next to her.

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