“Who is it?” Soon, Lan Lan’s voice sounded inside.

"It's me, Lan Lan, open the door. Auntie has something to tell you." Shen Ning said calmly.

 Lan Lan was playing a game, and when she heard Shen Ning's voice, she felt a little scared for no reason.

"Auntie, I'm going to bed." She didn't want to open the door.

"I know, I just want to say a few words to you. It won't prevent you from sleeping." Shen Ning made sure to let her open the door.

"I won't open it." After waiting for a while, Hou Lanlan replied angrily.

"If you don't open it, then Auntie will go down and get the key and open it yourself." Shen Ning's tone was serious.

When Lan Lan heard this, she had no choice but to stand up and open the door.

 Shen Ning looked at her coldly.

Lanlan's eyes fell on her right hand, which was not wearing a jade ring.

This shows that she is really Shen Ning, not her mother Shen Mei.

 She blocked the door, not wanting Shen Ning to go in.

"Go in, I want to talk to you." Shen Ning took her hand and led her into the room.

"Lan Lan, you, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao are brothers and sisters. Why can't you live in peace and friendship with them? Why did you push Xiao Xiao and hurt her knee?" Shen Ning sat down opposite her, eyes wide. Make eye contact with her.

Lan Lan felt guilty and her eyes were evasive.

 “I didn’t.” She quickly denied it.

"Is there something you just don't admit? Little Shitou has already told me, and other children have also seen it. He is definitely not a good child if he lies habitually." Shen Ning criticized harshly. "I don't like Xiaoxiao." After a while, she actually said this.

Shen Ning looked at this girl sadly, feeling for the first time that people's bad nature really comes from childhood.

 A little girl who is arrogant and not very good has her dislike of others and hurting others engraved in her bones all the time. She is really disgusted.

"Has Xiaoxiao been offended?" she asked coldly.

Lanlan lowered her head and said nothing.

"Even if you don't like Xiaoxiao, you don't have to play with her, you can stay away from her, and just ignore her, but you have no right to hurt her, beat her, scold her, or slander her, you know? It is illegal. In this world, everyone is equal. Everyone has their own dignity, which cannot be violated by anyone. If you deliberately violate it, it is a crime, understand?" Shen Ning's tone was stern, "You Think about it again, if someone did this to you, would you be happy?"

 As a mother, she cannot allow anyone to bully her child, even if the other person is just a child.

Lan Lan finally lowered her head in fear.

Although Shen Ning was mostly pleasant in his interactions with her, and was even bitten by her, Shen Ning still had a temperament about him that was calm and majestic, without showing off his dignity, making him feel afraid to intrude.

"Lan Lan, this time you treated Coco as your private tool, ordered and humiliated you at will, and pushed and beat Xiaoxiao. I won't argue with you, but if there is a next time, I will definitely not forgive you. Although I don't I know where your confidence in doing this comes from, but I will never let you continue to grow evil habits. I have recorded what you are doing now. If you behave well in the future, I will not tell your father. But if you continue to behave like this, I will tell your father all your behavior. Then I will definitely ask him to punish you. If he does not punish you, then the aunt will send you to the police station and let the police Uncle educates you, and aunt keeps her word." Shen Ning's tone was stern and her expression was serious.

 This is the first time since she lost her memory that she has criticized others so harshly.

 Lan Lan stared at her.

 Shen Ning's eyes became sterner.

 In the end, Lan Lan was forced to lower her head.

"You go to sleep, Auntie will see how you behave later." Shen Ning said solemnly, turned around and left.

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