Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1547: Chapter 1547: The Substitute of Conspiracy 42

"Why?" Tintin couldn't figure it out and asked angrily.

"Just do what I tell you to do," Shen Mei said arrogantly.

 “No, I won’t do it.” Ding Ding couldn’t bear it and responded directly.

"How dare you." Shen Mei was furious and grabbed his ear and twisted it hard.

Ding Ding was in pain. He raised his eyes and glared at Shen Mei angrily. If Shen Mei didn't look exactly like her mother, he would have probably kicked Shen Mei by now.

But Ding Ding still loves Mommy very much and doesn’t dare to do anything to her. Even if Mommy is wrong, he doesn’t dare to do anything to her.

"You just need to be dealt with." Shen Mei picked up a nearby clothes hanger and hit Ding Ding hard. "I made you arrogant and arrogant. I made you bully Lan Lan and ignore her."

 Ding Ding stood upright, it hurt a lot when the clothes hanger hit him, but the most painful thing was the pain in his heart.

"Mommy, please, please don't hit Ding Ding. Ding Ding loves you very much." Ke Ke became anxious when she saw Ding Ding being spanked by her mother. She hurried forward and hugged Shen Mei's arm and shouted loudly.

"Let me go." Shen Mei shouted angrily, trying to take her hand out and continue beating.

But Coco was very strong and hugged her arm tightly to prevent her from hitting her **** anymore.

“Young lady, the children are still young, forget it, don’t beat them.” At this time, Sister Wang came in and persuaded.

 It turned out that Sister Wang was still uneasy after all. She always felt that something was wrong, so she came up to see the children. Unexpectedly, as soon as she came up, she saw Shen Mei playing with her penis. She was so surprised that she didn't know what to do.

In her impression, Shen Ning had never spanked children. Even when she got angry, she only focused on criticizing and educating her children. The children obeyed her very well. But now, she was spanking her **** hard, and it was really hard. Beyond her expectations.

She was just a servant and could not stop Shen Ning from beating the child. When she saw Coco holding her back, she immediately came forward to intercede.

Seeing that Sister Wang had seen her, Shen Mei was worried about what happened to Dong Chuang, so she had to pull her hand out with force, scolded her a few more times and left.

"Ding Ding, does it hurt?" As soon as Shen Mei left, Coco immediately hugged Ding Ding. Ding Ding felt so wronged that she burst into tears.

Sister Wang quickly wiped his tears with a tissue and took off the child's clothes. She saw several red marks on his back and arms. Fortunately, he wore more clothes, otherwise it would have been more painful.

She not only sighed secretly.

"Ding Ding, are you hungry? Auntie, will you take you down to eat something? Auntie has left something delicious for you." She asked in a low voice, thinking that the child had nothing to eat for dinner.

 “I can’t eat it.” Tintin shed tears.

Sister Wang's eyes were also moist. She had stayed in Li's Castle for so many years and almost watched Ding Ding grow up. She had never seen him receive such a beating. She wiped his tears and did not dare to say anything. What? After all, it was his own mother who beat him, and others had no right to say anything.

"Then go to bed early. Auntie will take you to take a shower." Sister Wang took Ding Ding to the shower room.

Keke was also at a loss sitting on the bed.

 In the ward.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao." After the fever subsided, his face turned pale and he opened his eyes in confusion. Shen Ning, who had been staying by his side, was surprised and immediately shouted softly.

 Small eyes fell on her face, looking straight at her.

Shen Ning just thought that the child was sick and confused, so she didn't care. He wiped her mouth with a tissue and asked softly: "Xiaoxiao, are you hungry? Are you feeling better now?"

 But Xiaoxiao just looked at her without saying anything, with fear, disbelief, and more of confusion in his eyes.

Two faces appeared repeatedly in her mind. They were obviously exactly the same, but one was full of concern and tenderness, while the other was indifferent and even full of disgust towards her.

 She didn't understand what was wrong.

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