"Who told you that you can gamble? You started gambling at such a young age?" Shen Ning's eyes were stern and her tone was even stern.

Lan Lan was frightened for a moment, holding the stolen cartoon tightly in her hands and not daring to speak.

"Gamble is the scariest thing. Gamblers lose nine times out of ten. You have started playing gambling games at a young age. This is absolutely unacceptable. Whoever dares to play this game again in the future will be criticized and told Your father and teachers, let them criticize you too." Shen Ning scolded sternly.

"Okay, then we won't play anymore." Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao Kan's mother did not favor Lan Lan, and even criticized Lan Lan. They all felt bad breath and were a little excited in their hearts. This game is originally Lan Lan's. Lan forced them to play.

"As a child, you must be honest and trustworthy, and listen to the education of teachers and adults. Only in this way can you be successful and grow into a pillar. All lying, scheming, and harming others are all shameful. Do you understand?" Shen Ning continued to look at Lan Lan and educated him.

  She has been teased by this little girl several times. If she continues not to listen, she has a premonition that she will make a big mistake in the future. She is her elder and has the responsibility to educate her well.

"Yes, your mommy is right. Children should be upright, kind, and obedient, so that they can be liked by others and grow up healthy and happy." At this time, Teacher Xiao Li finally heard the justice of Shen Ning's education to Lan Lan. Reason, immediately echoed.

It is true that Lan Lan has been so arrogant during this period that even she can't stand it. Moreover, the little guy's views are getting more and more evil. He is proud of bullying Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao because Shen Ning is supporting him. She, she couldn't help it. Now that Shen Ning was finally back on track, she took the opportunity to educate her.

Lanlan lowered her head.

"Okay, let's go eat." After Shen Ning finished educating, he took the children to the dining room to eat.

Outside the living room, Shen Mei looked at Shen Ning's back coldly, with a sneer on her lips.

 She heard everything Shen Ning said criticizing Lan Lan just now.

She was going in originally, but she didn't expect that she heard Shen Ning's voice just as she was about to go in.

 In this case, she can only stay outside.

Shen Ning, I think you can still be proud for a few days. Sooner or later, everything that belongs to you will be mine.

 She turned around and walked out.

"Mom, do you know? I just took a receipt of 300,000 yuan and went to the property finance office of Li's Castle. They stamped it for me without saying anything, and the money was immediately transferred to my bank card." As soon as she got home, Shen Mei was very happy.

Lan Feiyun smiled with satisfaction: "That's right. As long as your identity is Shen Ning, you can get whatever you want in the Li family."

"But, Mom, after I took those gold and silver jewelry, the Li family and Shen Ning have already discovered that they have lost something. They are going to investigate today. I have pretended to be Shen Ning and stopped Butler Luo today, but I'm afraid they will find out in the future and I won't be able to take anything anymore." Shen Mei stopped smiling, with worry on her face.

"Hey, how much are those things worth? Don't take them anymore. Tomorrow you hurry up and transfer the property rights of that villa to your name. This is the most valuable thing. Next we have to play something bigger, otherwise , it will be troublesome if they find out, you should keep it secret for now." Lan Feiyun immediately reminded after hearing this.

 “Yeah.” Shen Mei nodded.

 In the next few days, Shen Mei restrained her behavior and stopped stealing the jewelry.

On the third day, she arrived at Li's Castle early in the morning.

Because she wanted to transfer the villa to her own name, she traveled to many places in the past few days, the most important of which was to get Shen Ning's ID card and stamp.

 She can use Shen Ning's appearance, but the fingerprints are different.

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