Shen Ning frowned: "Your dad asked about you today and how you are doing lately, but I think you have changed a lot recently, and you have not corrected some of your bad habits in the past. You even cheated on your aunt that day." The place where pigeons are fed by Ximen, but you left on your own and left your aunt there. All this shows that you are not an honest child and must receive education. If you don't correct yourself humbly, I will tell your daddy."

"Woo." Lan Lan suddenly covered her face with her hands and cried loudly, "Auntie, you bullied me, you complained to daddy, I hate you, you go away, I don't want to talk to you."

She sat down on the ground while crying, lay on the ground and cried loudly.

 Shen Ning's eyebrows tightened tighter and tighter.

 “Lan Lan, get up.” She shouted to her.

"If you don't get up, I will get up if you leave." Lan Lan was not afraid of her at all.

Shen Ning saw her acting rogue and not listening to advice at all, so she shook her head.

 This girl is hopeless.

Originally, she just wanted to come and see the situation in her room. Now there was no one else in the room. Although it was a bit messy and the smell was wrong, she couldn't find any other abnormalities, so she had to pull her up and put her on the bed. Then he turned around and left.

As soon as she left, Lan Lan came over and locked the door.

"What a bitch, how dare you threaten my child." Shen Mei walked out of the closet, hugged Lan Lan into her arms, kissed her, and praised, "Lan Lan is so good and smart. That's right. Now, if you deal with her like this in the future, she won’t be able to punish you. Don’t worry, I will drive her and all the cheap children she gave birth to out of here, and this place will be yours alone.”

"Really? That's great." Lan Lan's eyes lit up and she smiled happily.

"Of course it's true, everything Mommy did was for you." Shen Mei looked solemn.

After Shen Mei put Lan Lan to sleep, she took out several receipts from her pocket. This time, she asked the property management to transfer one million to her bank card. Moreover, she also asked the Li family to transfer the Li family's receipts to her bank card. The villa in the castle was transferred to her name.

As long as this plan is implemented, her net worth will immediately rise to tens of billions, and she will join the upper class of the imperial capital.

 This is her purpose in Li's Castle. In the conference room of Noda.

Li Zhenting has been working continuously for more than ten hours. His mobile phone and telecommunications industries have been sanctioned by the United States and are now facing withdrawal from the market.

What worries him even more is that his grandfather Li Jichun's illness has become more and more serious. The doctor called him yesterday and asked him to go back as soon as possible.

Grandpa is the person he admires the most. At the last moment of his grandfather's life, he wanted to rush back immediately to stay with him, but now...

"Mr. Li, the eldest son of the Lin Group wants to see you." While Li Zhenting was pinching his temples with both hands, his secretary came in to report.

 The eldest son of the Lin Group? Isn’t that Lin Shouyu!

 What is he here for?

 Strictly speaking, he is not very familiar with Lin Shoyu!

 “Hurry and welcome him into the reception room.”

Everyone who comes here is a guest, not to mention that the Lin Group is the leader of all Asian countries in the United States. In the United States, if he goes to visit Mr. Lin, he may not be able to be received. His eldest son is also a well-known figure in the business world. !

Li Zhenting immediately stood up and walked towards the reception room, and at the same time ordered his secretary to prepare some fine tea.

After a while, Lin Shoyu appeared at the door of the reception room with a graceful appearance.

"Mr. Lin, welcome." Li Zhenting extended his hand to him warmly.

"Mr. Li, hello." Lin Shoyu shook hands with him and walked inside.

 The two of them sat on the reception chairs, and the secretary brought a fine red robe.

"Mr. Lin, what are your instructions when you visit me?" Li Zhenting asked with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

Lin Shoyu was not ambiguous and answered directly: "I am here for your wife Shen Ning."

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