Li Wanqing thought about it, but couldn't figure it out. Finally, she had to wash her fingers and go downstairs.

"Grandma, good morning." Coco stood in the living room and greeted her immediately when he saw her coming down.

"Keke, hello, my little grandson." Seeing her lovely grandson, Li Wanqing had a loving smile on her face. All the unhappiness in her heart was healed at this moment. She stepped forward to hug Keke and kissed his forehead. .

“Grandma, did you sleep well last night?” Coco looked at her.

What did the fake mommy do in grandma's room last night? Where has she gone now?

“Of course I slept well, grandma slept very deeply.” Li Wanqing smiled.

“Then did you see my mommy last night?” Coco continued to ask.

Li Wanqing's heart sank when she heard this. The expression on Coco's face when he begged her to let go of his mother in the study yesterday made her feel pain in her heart. She couldn't fall asleep for a long time. The little guy asked her this now because he was worried that she would look for him again at night. It's her mother's trouble.

"No, it's so late. Grandma has to go to bed, so how can she still look for your mommy? Don't worry, for the sake of my grandchildren, grandma won't trouble your mommy anymore." Li Wanqing kissed He assured Keke affectionately while stroking his forehead.

When Coco heard this, it turned out that the bad mommy didn’t do anything to her grandma last night, so why did she go in there?

"Mommy." Coco waited for Li Wanqing to leave and went directly to find Shen Ning upstairs.

"What's wrong? Coco." Shen Ning was playing with Beibei in her arms. When she saw Coco coming in, she immediately asked with a smile.

 Mummy's face full of love made Cocoa even more sure at this moment that she was his biological mother, because fake mothers would never hug Xixi and play with Beibei.

“Mommy, there is a fake mommy in our family.” Coco said directly.

Shen Ning was stunned. This was the second time the little guy said this.

"Keke, why do you say that? Then do you think I am a real mommy or a fake mommy?" She touched the little guy's face and asked kindly.

“You are the real mommy, and there is another fake mommy?” “Where is the fake mommy now?”

"The fake mommy is no longer in our house. Usually, she is sometimes upstairs and sometimes downstairs. She beats Ding Ding and me. Xiaoxiao is only good to Lanlan. She also told us to stay with us in the future. Let Lan Lan play, give her all the delicious and fun things, and let us treat her like a princess." Coco said in one breath.

 Shen Ning's face changed color.

Coco said it in a decent manner, not like she was lying. Suddenly, she remembered something and hurriedly asked: "Has the fake mom ever hit you? How? Tell mommy quickly."

 “Mommy, do you really know nothing?”

 “Of course, tell me quickly.”

After hearing this, Coco became even more convinced that all those bad things were done by fake mommies, and their mommies didn’t know anything.

 So, he told Mommy everything that happened during this period in detail.

The more Shen Ning listened, the more frightened she became. Although she did not believe that such a thing would happen, nor did she believe that there would be a woman who looked exactly like her in the world, children would not tell lies, and even if they were lies It's impossible to say it so convincingly, and he can't make up so many things. After all, he is only six years old.

“Keke, why didn’t you tell mommy earlier?” she asked seriously.

"Mommy, I just found out about the fake mommy. I thought you didn't like us anymore. Yesterday, when you and grandma were in the study, I told you and grandma, but you didn't Believe me, do you still remember that morning when you asked me what happened here?" Ke Ke touched his ear aggrievedly. It was a slap from Shen Mei. It still hurt a little. It made stars pop up in front of his eyes.

"She beat her? Right?" Shen Ning's face turned dark, and she turned Coco's head away. The area was still red, and her heart clenched. She was not willing to beat her own son. Beaten by a bad woman.

"Yes, she slapped me hard." Coco's tears of grievance finally fell.

"Coco." Shen Ning felt a sharp pain in her heart and hugged him into her arms, "I'm sorry, Mommy didn't protect you well."

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