"Then if you think there is one, just search here. If you find it, I will believe it." Lan Lan replied angrily.

Shen Ning glanced at the room and said, "Don't think I don't know, she's gone."

"Not at all. I'm going to sleep. Please go. You're not welcome here." Lan Lan opened the quilt, lay down, and followed Shen Ning.

 But Shen Ning stood still.

She judged based on Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao's remarks that the woman Lan Lan called mommy was probably Lan Lan's biological mommy. As for who she was and why she was like this, she had no idea because she had lost her memory.

"Lanlan, I hope you can be an honest child and tell me the truth. I already know that there is a woman in your room who often comes to live with you. She looks exactly like me. You call her Mommy, she helped you bully Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, and even beat them. This is never allowed. If you can tell me frankly and be an honest child, I can still forgive you. Otherwise, wait for your father After we come back from the ground, we will find out everything, and no one can save you and your mommy by then, because bad people who do evil will definitely be taught a lesson and punished." She spoke with sincerity, hoping that Lan Lan could speak frankly. .

But instead of being afraid or wanting to make things right, Lan Lan yelled at Shen Ning: "Don't even think about what I'm going to tell you. You're a bad woman who ruined the marriage between my dad and my mom. I hate you. Hurry up." Go away, I don’t like you and I won’t tell you anything.”

Shen Ning's face turned pale. Lan Lan said that she ruined the marriage between her mother and father. Is this true?

 She couldn't remember the past, and she didn't know whether Lan Lan was right or not, but it had already caused her great pain. She never wanted to be a shameful third party.

Even though she had an innocent first love with Li Zhenting, when she insisted on marrying him, he had already given birth to Lanlan with another woman. This is a fact!

So was it really wrong for her to choose to marry Li Zhenting again?

 She turned sadly and walked out.

 For two consecutive days, Shen Ning was busy with various household chores and almost followed Li Wanqing around.

 During this period, Mr. Li fainted again.

 Li Wanqing began to discuss funeral arrangements with her.

That night, because of Xixi and Beibei making a fuss, Li Wanqing asked her to go back to the bedroom early to take care of the children. Li Zhenting will be back tomorrow, so we can wait until he comes back to talk about everything. She is really busy now.

Shen Ning returned to the bedroom exhausted, but as soon as Xixi and Beibei saw her, they opened their lips and smiled at her. Motherly love surged into her heart. Shen Ning picked up the little ones and kissed them, feeling very happy.

The little ones were very excited tonight. She and the special nurses stayed with them for a long time before putting them to sleep, and she was so tired that she fell asleep on the bed.

I woke up after not knowing how long I slept, and immediately went to the bathroom to wash up. Just when she was about to lie down in bed and have a good sleep, she suddenly remembered that there were still a few accounts that had not been recorded in today's finances. She was afraid that she would forget them tomorrow, so she had to get up and go down to register the accounts clearly. After all, these were several large purchases.

It was quiet downstairs. Shen Ning glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already one o'clock in the night and everyone was asleep.

 She went downstairs with gentle steps and was about to walk towards the finance room.


 The back door was pushed open, and a cold wind blew in.

Shen Ning sensed it immediately and turned around.

 A woman's figure walked in quietly.

Shen Ning's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and she immediately stepped aside, staring closely at the woman.

 Ever since Coco and Ding Ding told her about the fake mommy two days ago, she has been paying attention and sent people to search the entire villa, but no one was found, so she had to give up.

 She thought that the woman was too frightened to come after her target was exposed.

Unexpectedly, she came back only two days later.

 You are really brave!

 Soon, the woman walked towards the stairwell.

Shen Ning wanted to see what she was going to do, so she followed quietly behind without making any announcement.

 After a while, she went upstairs.

 Sure enough

As Shen Ning guessed, she walked towards Lan Lan's bedroom.

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