“Meimei, what’s going on?” Lan Feiyun quickly drove the car to a remote place, stopped and asked.

"Mom, I can't sleep with Li Zhenting. Two days ago, I was recognized by the three dead children Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. I was also held down and beaten by them. I was discovered by Shen Ning as soon as I entered today. I was with her There was a conflict face to face, and I was beaten by her. Now that my identity has been exposed, I can no longer enter Li's castle in the future." Shen Mei touched her beaten face and gritted her teeth in anger.

Lan Feiyun's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"That's not possible. I have put so much effort into plastic surgery to make you look like her. How could I give up halfway? We must get 30% of the equity of the Li Group. That is what Lan Lan should have. That's why I can afford your plastic surgery." Lan Feiyun said firmly.

 After speaking, she gritted her teeth:

"Shen Ning, you committed suicide and hindered my plan, so you can't blame me."

 She drove home in her car.

"You bitch, you dare to hit me, I will deal with you one day." After Shen Mei returned home, she went to the bathroom to wash up, stood in front of the mirror, touched the place where she was beaten, and cursed in anger.

 After a while, she finished washing and walked out. Lan Feiyun was talking on the phone in the living room.

"Meimei, Li Zhenting will go home early tomorrow morning. I have thought of a countermeasure." Lan Feiyun hung up the phone after seeing her, with a gloomy and unpredictable smile on her face.

"What's the countermeasure?" Shen Mei sat down on the sofa. Now she was no longer so interested in entering Li's old house.

"Meimei, aren't you exactly the same as Shen Ning? Then you are her and she is you. Now that she has discovered you and won't let you enter the Li family, there is only one way: you directly replace her."

Shen Mei's eyes widened: "Mom, how can I replace her?"

"She is there without you, and you are without her. Now I have to have you, so I have to do without her." Lan Feiyun said in a cold tone.

Shen Mei was startled and asked: "Mom, are you going to kill her? No, Mom, she will be put in jail and killed. I don't want to die."

"Of course we won't kill her, but we can make her disappear temporarily." Lan Feiyun smiled and whispered into her ear.

Shen Mei couldn't help but nodded as she listened.

 After discussing for a while, the two mother and daughter laughed knowingly.

 The old house of the Li family.

Shen Ning was checking the accounts when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Li Zhenting calling. Her cheeks were slightly red for no reason.

 “Zhen Ting.” She answered the call with a soft voice.

“Ning Ning.” Li Zhenting was equally gentle.

 “Where are you?” Shen Ning asked in a low voice.

"you guess."

 “I can’t guess.”

 “I’m right behind you.” Li Zhenting laughed softly over there.

Shen Ning knew he was lying but still looked back and said angrily: "Tell me where you are, otherwise, I will hang up. I'm still busy."

Li Zhenting smiled and asked, "What are you busy with? Are the children okay? Don't be too tired."

"Nothing to do." Shen Ning replied, without telling him what Li Wanqing had told her, and then asked, "Zhen Ting, have you bought your ticket? When will you go home?"

Li Zhenting did not answer, but asked with a smile: "Ning Ning, tell me, do you miss me?"

Shen Ning's face turned red again.

 “I don’t want to.” She deliberately played off her words.

"Really, so cruel?" Li Zhenting seemed hurt, "Although I am very busy during this period, I miss you every day, especially at night. I miss you so much that I can't sleep, so I work harder and work overtime. I just want to go home early to see you."

Shen Ning's heart felt warm and her face turned red.

 “Then when will you go home?”

"Tell me first, do you miss me? If you don't miss me, I don't even think it's interesting to go home."

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