"Who are you?" When Shen Ning turned around in shock, she saw a tall man wearing a black mask, with only two eyes exposed, staring at her ferociously, like an eagle hunting for food. Bloody, Shen Ning was instantly horrified, and she shouted angrily while forcing herself to remain calm.

 The man did not speak, but his eyes darkened and he rushed towards her directly.

 Shen Ning quickly retreated.

 But she was just a woman after all. After back and forth several times, she lost her energy and was lifted up by the man and kicked in the center.

"Ah." Shen Ning screamed. He was kicked hard and fell down. The moment he fell, his head hit a pile of metal materials. His vision went dark and he fainted.

"Hmph." The man rushed up, looked at Shen Ning who had fainted, and gave a ferocious smile. He picked her up on his shoulders like an eagle catching a chicken, opened the back warehouse door and ran outside quickly.

 After a while, he disappeared into the forest in the back mountain.


 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao are back from kindergarten.

 They are very happy because Daddy will go home tomorrow.

After the three little guys came home, Sister Wang gave them afternoon tea cakes, and they jumped outside to find their mommy.

  Mommy will definitely be very happy when Daddy comes back tomorrow. They also want to have fun with Mommy, and they want to discuss with Mommy whether to give Daddy a surprise.

 But they couldn't find Mommy after searching for a long time. Finally, they met Butler Luo, who told them that their Mommy had gone to work in the warehouse and let them play by themselves first. Mommy would be back after finishing her work.

After hearing this, they went back to the living room to play, but when they came back, they saw Lan Lan sitting on the sofa arrogantly, like a princess. When she saw them, her eyes were full of pride and disgust.

Coco suddenly had a bad feeling again. Lanlan, a little bastard, had been so groveling these past few days. Why did she suddenly change her previous behavior today? Does that fake mommy still dare to come over?

“Come here and play chicken with me.” Lan Lan ordered them loudly.

Ding Ding and Lan Lan frowned and refused in unison: "I won't play."

“Humph.” Lan Lan snorted coldly and said loudly, “If you don’t play, you won’t be able to have dinner.”

Ding Ding was furious when he heard this. "Are you sick? Why don't you let us have dinner? What we eat is not yours, so who are you?" He immediately angrily yelled at her.

Lan Lan raised her eyebrows and sneered: "If you don't believe it, just wait and see. As long as you don't play, there will be no dinner for you and you will starve to death."

Xiao Xiao sneered: "The rice is not yours. If you say you won't give it to us, we won't eat it. Are you a mommy?"

  “Tsk.” Lan Lan raised her little head and said coldly, “Let me ask you again, are you playing or not?”

 “I’m not going to play.” The three little ones really couldn’t stand her bossy manner, so they refused in unison.

"Well, I've given you a chance. You won't have anything to eat tonight." Lan Lan waved her hand and decided directly.

 “Bah, I’m sick.”

The three little ones felt more and more that she was mentally ill, so they all looked at her coldly, ignored her, and went to play games by themselves. Only Coco felt a little uneasy.

 In the evening, dinner was served at Li's old house.

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao San Xiao ran downstairs to prepare for dinner.

"Stop." But the three little ones had just come downstairs when they heard a stern voice.

They were so frightened that they stopped and looked towards the voice, only to see Shen Ning standing next to the sofa with a serious face.

 The three little ones were startled for a moment, how could Mommy be so serious today?

“Mommy.” But after a while, Xiaoxiao and Dingding called out to her and ran towards her happily.

 Coco stayed where he was and said nothing.

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