Shen Mei thought for a moment and replied, "Everything else is fine. Zhen Ting is also good to me, but..."

 “What is it?” Lin Shoyu asked immediately.

"It's just that he doesn't care much about men and women." Shen Mei blushed with embarrassment.

 “What? He can’t do it?”

"No, it's because he's not very active anymore." After Shen Mei answered, she covered her mouth and ran away shyly.

Lin Shoyu understood and his face became very serious.

 In the corridor, Li Zhenting was standing there looking at his cell phone, waiting for their conversation.

When Shen Ning ran out, he had already seen it. He was about to walk this way when he saw Lin Shouyu walking out. His face was not as soft as before, and even a little gloomy.

His sword eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

It can't be that Lin Shouyu is causing trouble for Shen Ning, right?

 He strode over.

 Two men stood still in the middle of the corridor.

"Li Zhenting, is this your third marriage to Shen Ning?" Before Li Zhenting could say anything, Lin Shoyu asked directly.

 “Yes.” Li Zhenting was a little embarrassed.

"Now that we are in love three times, I don't want to have three outs. It can also be said that we are all in three times. If it were not for true love, we would not be able to reach this point. Therefore, I only hope that you can care more about Shen Ning and understand her better. Demand, be like a man and don’t make women sad all the time.”

Li Zhenting was stunned when he heard this.

 What does he mean by this?

"Mr. Li, think about it carefully, why is your relationship with Shen Ning so difficult? The reason is not that Shen Ning doesn't love you, or that you don't love Shen Ning enough, but that you don't understand her enough and can't give her what she wants. Yes, so I hope you can reflect carefully and consider comforting your wife first." Lin Shoyu said directly.

Li Zhenting was confused when he heard this.

Lin Shoyu came all the way to find his wife just to say these words?

 What’s the purpose of that? How could he not understand?

"Mr. Lin, if you have anything to say, why don't you just say it directly? We are all in the business world, so it's best to get straight to the point." After a while, he said coldly, "You have shown a strong interest in my wife, and you are so actively helping me." Li's Group's industries are involved in business, and you said you did it because of Shen Ning, so are you interested in my wife?"

Lin Shoyu looked at him for a while and almost punched him.

"Li Zhenting, if I am interested in your wife, will I watch her marry you again? Boss, I am already married and have children." Lin Shoyu wanted to cry. If he was interested in Shen Ning, would he still marry him? Say these words?

  Couldn't he understand that these words were the brother's care for his sister and a conversation between relatives?

Shen Mei ran out quickly and stopped by a flower bed. She took out her mobile phone and called Lan Feiyun.

“Mom, I have some very unexpected news for you,” she said, suppressing her excitement.

"What's the news?" Lan Feiyun smiled and asked, "Have you already asked Li Zhenting to sign and seal it?"

“Mom, this news is definitely not less meaningful than getting Li Zhenting to sign and seal it.”

 “What is that?”

“Mom, did you know? Shen Ning’s brother came to the door.”

 “Brother? Who?” Lan Feiyun suddenly became nervous.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that Shen Ning's biological father turned out to be Lin Zhenxun, a world-famous tycoon. His brother is Lin Shoyu. I just checked on Baidu. This father and son are world-famous rich people. They are in the United States. The assets have exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars, and he is the leader among the Chinese, and his companies have countless assets." Shen Meimei was beaming.

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