Dark night, silent!

 In the study.

"Mr. Li, we have searched everywhere we can, and there is no information about the young mistress." Lengxue hurried over, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Li Zhenting's eyes burst with cold stars.

"You bastard, what do you want to eat? I can't even find anyone." Li Zhenting was furious and threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground.

  A whole day has passed, and there is still no news about Shen Ning. Li Zhenting's heart breaks when he thinks of the mishap that may happen to her.

  He shook his head weakly.

“Mr. Li, there is someone who may know the news.”


 “Now this fake young lady.”

The chill in Li Zhenting's sharp eyes became even stronger.

 Of course he knows this.

 But now what is this woman trying to do by sneaking into the Li family and pretending to be Shen Ning?

During the day, Butler Qiu sent over all the surveillance videos and through detailed comparison, roughly confirmed the time when she sneaked in. Judging from the surveillance, in addition to getting hundreds of thousands of money from Li's castle property, , nothing else has happened yet.

Based on his feeling, she shouldn't just be here to make some money. Based on past experience, he was worried that she might be a spy, so he was waiting for an opportunity.

"Like this, Lengxue, from now on you will stay in the Li Group 24 hours a day and let me know if there is any trouble." Li Zhenting ordered.

ˆ As the president of a multinational group, what he can think of is always more severe and broader than reality. This is determined by his status!

 “What about the young lady?”

  “I have my own sense of proportion.”


 Lengxue hesitated for a moment, then took the order and left.

Li Zhenting walked outside.

 In Li Jichun’s bedroom. The old man was half-lying, with no blood on his dry lips, and only a straight line remained on his once-angzang body.

 He was breathing heavily, coughing dryly from time to time.

"Grandpa." Li Zhenting looked at him, with infinite sadness and pain in his heart. He bent down slightly and shouted softly.

No matter when Li Zhenting calls the old man, the old man can always open his eyes and respond to him.

This is the kind of family love where blood is thicker than water.

"Where's Zhen, Zhen Ting, Ning, Ning Ning?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at him for a while, then asked breathlessly.

Ever since he learned during the day that Shen Ning's identity was questionable, Li Zhenting no longer allowed the fake Shen Ning to visit his grandfather. He felt that letting her come would be an insult to his grandfather's identity.

 But Mr. Li's expectations for Shen Ning seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Grandpa, Ning Ning is taking care of the children upstairs. You can go to bed first. I will let her come to see you as soon as possible." Li Zhenting said softly with a smile on his lips.

“Well, I want to see her.” Mr. Li took a breath, his tone was sad.

"I know, Ning Ning also wants to see you. You can sleep peacefully, she will come down to see you tomorrow." Li Zhenting held the old man's hand and comforted him.

Li Jichun looked at his outstanding grandson, with a bright light shining in his dead eyes.

Li Zhenting comforted the old man again and sat with him until late at night before going upstairs.

 No matter what, before grandpa passes away, he must find Shen Ning and let him see her one last time.

 The night is dark.

The door opened quietly.

 A woman's head poked in.

Li Zhenting, who was lying on his side, suddenly opened his eyes and his ears stood up.

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