"Zhen Ting." When Shen Mei heard this, she felt chills all over her body. She raised her pitiful face and shouted like a dog: "I'm all thinking about Lan Lan, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. My own mommy is taking care of me, but Lanlan is not. The little one often comes to me to cry and complain. I am also a mommy. I couldn’t bear to see my daughter suffer, so I agreed to her request: vent her anger for her and make her feel happy. Zhenting, I don’t No way, I just want my daughter to be happy. I don’t mean to hurt Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. Please let me go because I gave birth to Lan Lan for you. I have no other ill intentions. Please You, Lanlan is your daughter after all."

 Perhaps it’s because the pain is bad or the fear is bad.

The furious Shen Mei quickly grasped this point and begged Li Zhenting.

After hearing this, the originally cold-hearted man was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"Shen Mei, let me ask you, when did you undergo plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning? How many bad things did you do after pretending to be Shen Ning? Your pretending to be her is a serious violation of her dignity and reputation, and it cannot be forgiven. Yes, I will never allow anyone to hurt my beloved woman even a little bit, so if you tell me everything honestly now, I can still give you a lenient sentence based on your attitude. Otherwise, I will let you stay in bed for the rest of your life. Just lie down and get through it, you should know that I do what I say. Don't think that I will let you do evil and hurt others without restriction just because of Lan Lan. If that's the case, what's the difference between me and an animal?"

Shen Mei lowered her head and replied cautiously, "Okay, I'll tell you everything."

So, while crying, she told everything she had done since she was released from prison.

Li Zhenting never thought that there would be such a shameless and vicious mother and daughter in this world. At that time, he was so blind that he would believe this mother and daughter for six years and regard her as Xiaofeng. .

 His Xiaofeng is so kind and simple. Compared with such a devil woman, there is a huge difference, but he is so indifferent to good and evil.

 Guilt and pain welled up in my heart.

He took out a few photos and threw them in front of Shen Mei, and shouted, "Is that you in these photos?"

This is the photo Li Wanqing sent to him. It is evidence that Shen Ning seduced Zhu Qixiong and A'kang of Liyun Hotel.

Shen Mei glanced at it and then lowered her head and admitted.

With a crisp "snap" sound, Li Zhenting raised his hand and slapped her hard. The force was so strong that half of her face was immediately swollen and blood splattered.

"Zhen Ting, my mother forced me to do these things. I can't be blamed alone. I didn't want to do it either. Please spare me." She touched her face with one palm and cried loudly.

Li Zhenting smiled coldly, took out his mobile phone and took several photos before asking: "Where is Shen Ning in prison now? How is she?"

When Shen Mei heard this, she shook her head hurriedly: "Zhen Ting, I only know that my mother said she would get rid of her, but I don't know where she is being held. If you don't find me now, then I will always replace her and live in a harsh place. As for who took her away, I really don’t know, you have to ask my mother."

"Damn it." Li Zhenting's anger reached its peak. He raised his foot and kicked Shen Mei hard again, kicking her whole body under the bed, causing her to faint from the pain.

 Then he picked up his mobile phone and sent several photos directly to Lan Feiyun, and dialed her number.

But Lan Feiyun was sleeping deeply and was dreaming of getting rich. She dreamed that she owned a private jet filled with various dollars and surrounded by young and strong young men.

 She laughed out loud.


In the night, the cell phone rang suddenly one after another.

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