"Ning Ning, wake up, Ning Ning, my grandson and little great-grandson need you, you can't leave them." Suddenly, an old voice kept calling in Shen Ning's ears, like a huge wave crashing. As he stood on the rock, his brain roared, and then severe pain hit him, and his fingers jumped.

"Mommy, can you wake up quickly?" Xiaoxiao kept holding Shen Ning's hand tightly, placed her on his chest, and called her over and over again.

 In only a few days, the little guy lost a lot of weight, and his big eyes were filled with pain.


  She felt something move in her little hand. She was stunned and quickly lowered her head.

 There are only mommy’s fingers in the palm of my hand.

She lowered her head and looked carefully.

 Mummy’s hands are still so pale and motionless.

 It turned out to be just an illusion.

 She pouted!

 Why does she always dream about her mommy hugging her and laughing? She also dreams about her mommy washing her hair and putting it into a nice hairstyle.

 Hey, it would be great if Mommy woke up.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning, wake up quickly. You have slept for too long. The children and Zhen Ting are waiting for you. Wake up quickly, wake up quickly." The old voice sounded in Shen Ning's ears again. While calling, each sound caused severe pain in her head. The intense pain spread, and her fingers bounced again.

"Ah, mommy's fingers are moving, they are moving, mommy is about to wake up." Xiaoxiao had been staring at mommy's fingers. Suddenly, a miracle happened, mommy's fingers flicked again, She was startled and screamed.

"Really?" Coco and Ding Ding quickly raised their heads when they heard this.

"Really, I just felt Mommy's fingers move, but I couldn't believe it, so I kept staring at Mommy's fingers. I really saw Mommy's fingers move just now. Really, Mommy's fingers moved." Xiaoxiao was very excited, her face was red and excited.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting immediately ran over and shouted loudly in her ear.

 “Mommy, Mommy.” Coco and Ding Ding were also shouting loudly.

 But after they shouted for a while, Shen Ning still didn't respond.

 So, Coco and Ding Ding were discouraged.

 “Xiaoxiao, you must be blinded.” They complained.

"No, it's true. Mommy's finger must have moved, twice." Xiaoxiao was very sure, fearing that they wouldn't believe it, and even swore, "If I lie, I will be like a barking puppy." .”

“But Mommy didn’t move.” Coco and Ding Ding sighed as they looked at Mommy who was motionless.

Xiaoxiao misses her mommy the most. She has been crying in her dreams for the past few days. She must have been dazzled.

 They didn’t say anything more, they just went to play with the tablet.

Xiaoxiao saw that they didn't believe it and looked at Li Zhenting with great grievance: "Daddy, Mommy's finger really moved. You have to believe me. I really saw it and touched it. Mommy's finger touched my index finger." Woolen cloth."

Li Zhenting looked at his daughter's red eyes, picked her up, kissed her little face, and said affectionately: "Little darling, Daddy believes in you, your mommy will definitely wake up, the doctor said , her brain and body are fine, and she is fully qualified to wake up. She has not woken up for the time being, maybe because of some kind of stimulation. As long as we use love to influence her and wake her up every day, she will soon wake up. Those who can wake up, we have to believe in your mommy, she loves us and is not willing to leave us."

"Thank you, Daddy, for believing in me." Xiaoxiao put her little face against Li Zhenting's face and said in a milky voice, her eye circles turning red again, "Daddy, Mommy is really pitiful. We must treat Mommy in the future. Well, we can’t make her angry anymore, she is our good mother.”

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