The star of time.

Li Jiaojiao deliberately dressed herself up, wearing a fashionable Korean-style skirt suit, casual and casual, with a round head, youthful and charming.

"Jiaojiao." As soon as she walked in, Professor Davell's eyes lit up and he quickly came up to her, holding a rose in his hand, full of enthusiasm.

Li Jiaojiao glanced at him and smiled playfully: "Professor Davell, good evening."

"Good evening, flowers for the beauty." Professor Davell immediately handed the flowers to Li Jiaojiao in a gentlemanly manner and made a gesture of invitation, "I have already reserved a seat, please come this way."

Li Jiaojiao took the flowers, put them under her nose, smelled them, and smiled: "Thank you."

 The two of them sat down by the window.

“Miss Jiaojiao, I have already ordered two cups of coffee, what else do you need?” Professor Davell handed over the menu.

Li Jiaojiao took it and wanted to order a few random things. She suddenly remembered what Ji Qingshan said last time about David giving her cheap roses. She had a grudge in her heart, so she specially ordered a few expensive things.

“Okay, that’s it.” She put down the menu and looked up at him lovingly.

 Professor Davell's bones were tender.

"Miss Li, you are the most beautiful and elegant girl I have ever seen. She is the goddess in my heart." He took a sip of coffee and praised without hesitation.

"Thank you." Li Jiaojiao took a sip of coffee and asked, "Professor Davell, when do you plan to return to the United States?"

Daville stirred the coffee elegantly and looked at her with a smile: "I like the Imperial City very much and want to stay a few more days. Of course, the most important thing is because I met you and I want to spend more time with you. What about you?"

Li Jiaojiao smiled: "I can't go back until next month, and school starts next month."

"That's right. How about I go back with you next month?" Professor David immediately changed his question.

“Of course that’s good.” Li Jiao smiled.

 The two started chatting animatedly.

"Miss Li, today is the first day we meet alone. It's worth remembering." After the two chatted for a while, the atmosphere became better and better. Professor Davell suddenly took out a jewelry box from his pocket and stood there. He stood up, bent down, and politely put his hands in front of Li Jiaojiao, "I gave this to you, take a look, do you like it?"

Li Jiaojiao was shocked.

Today was just the first time she met him. She originally thought that they would just get to know each other, talk and get closer at most. Unexpectedly, on this first date, he would actually give her a gift, which made her feel a little confused for a moment. Overwhelmed. "Jiaojiao, pick it up quickly." Seeing her confused look, Professor Davell urged with a smile on his lips.

“Oh, okay, thank you.” Li Jiaojiao woke up and immediately took it with both hands.

 “Open it and take a look.” Professor Davell urged again.

"This... is not good." Li Jiaojiao opened the gift in front of others, but Li Jiaojiao's cultivation prevented her from doing it, and she felt a little embarrassed.

But Professor Daville wanted her to open it immediately and encouraged her: "Open it and see if you like the style? If you don't like it, I can exchange it for you. It doesn't matter. You don't have to be restrained in front of me."

“Okay.” Li Jiaojiao had no choice but to open the gift.


 Her eyes widened in shock.

 I saw a heart-shaped gold necklace inside. It was bright and golden, with a diamond ring on it. It was heavy in the hand, and the weight was not light. The style was the most popular new style in European and American countries.

It must be very expensive.

Li Jiaojiao, who loves money as much as her life, was excited and her eyes were shining brightly.

 Professor David is being too generous to himself.

"How is it? Do you like it?" Professor Davell looked at her with nervousness on his face.

“Yeah, I like it, it’s very good.” Li Jiaojiao nodded heavily, her face full of shy surprise.

 “As long as you like it, if you don’t like it, I can change it to another style for you.”

“It’s okay, this is good.” Li Jiaojiao shook her head.

“That’s okay, I’ll give you other styles next time, as long as you like it.” Professor Davell was very generous.

 “Thank you, Professor Davell, you have been very kind to me.”

 “Of course, you are so beautiful and lovely, you are totally worthy of having me.”

The two started chatting by candlelight. The more they chatted, the more they had similar interests. Li Jiaojiao was very happy.

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