Chapter 808 is not wronged at all

   "Thank you, Zhen Ting, I have wronged you." Shen Ning lowered his head and said in a low voice.

  Li Zhenting kissed her ear: "I'm not wronged at all, it's right to take care of the elders, let alone my wife's elders."

  Shen Ning bowed his head and did not speak.

  Li Zhenting hugged her tightly in his arms: "Go to sleep, I'm here, don't worry, I will take good care of grandma."

  Shen Ning was forced to lie flat in his arms again.

I have to say that Li Zhenting was really careful and thoughtful in taking care of people. In the middle of the night, grandma fell asleep, and when she stretched out her arms several times, he got up and covered her with the quilt. In the early morning, grandma's rhinitis broke out and she couldn't breathe. She got up and looked at the manual and carefully cleaned her nose with the machine until the nose was unobstructed.

   And when he was busy, he never allowed Shen Ning to get up, only let her lie down and rest, and did everything by himself.

  At dawn, Jun Meizhen was full of praise for him, praising everyone she met, which made Shen Ning feel embarrassed.

   In the morning, after they washed up, they went to the dining room, where Li Yuanyuan had already prepared breakfast.

   "Zhenting, Ningning, you go to rest after breakfast, your aunt and I will take care of your grandma." Li Yuanyuan looked at Li Zhenting's haggard face a little embarrassed.

   "It's okay, I'm a man who should take care of grandma." Li Zhenting said lightly while drinking millet porridge.

   "Zhenting, come, have a pan-fried bun." Shao Wenbo smiled all over his face, very flattering.

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting picked up the fried bun and ate it.

   "Zhen Ting, the life of Shao's family is not as good as that of Li's family, so let's make do with eating here." Li Meiyuan felt a little apologetic.

  The young master of the Li family eats exquisite and delicious meals every day. The Shao family is in financial difficulties now, and the food is definitely not as good as that of the Li family. She is very worried that Li Zhenting will not get used to it.

   "Aunt, Zhen Ting is actually not particular, he can adapt to the living environment very well." Shen Ning smiled and answered for him.

  She knows Li Zhenting well. He usually lives a delicate life, but he can do whatever he wants. Li Jichun gave him a comprehensive education when he was young, and he didn't raise him well.

   "Well, I believe that." Of course Li Yuanyuan understood and smiled.

  She really didn't expect that the dignified young master of the Li family, the CEO of the Li Group, could take care of an old man so thoughtfully and considerately. This was beyond her expectations.

   After Li Zhenting took a sip of porridge, he took a bite of the pan-fried buns, gave Shen Ning a loving look, and gave her a thumbs up for knowing her so well.

  Shen Ning smiled playfully, and looked at Li Yuanyuan:

   "Auntie, how is Shaw doing now?"

   "It's okay." Li Meiyuan replied after hesitating for a while.

"What do you mean? Is it necessary to slap a swollen face to make yourself fat?" Shao Wenbo seemed to be waiting for Shen Ning to ask a question, and immediately replied: "Shao's is very difficult now, not only owes the bank tens of millions, but also Usury loans, now even the wages of employees cannot be paid.”

   Shen Ning's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Li Yuanyuan.

Li Meiyuan hurriedly said: "Ningning, don't listen to him, if he hadn't found Wu Lili, that woman, Shaw Brothers would not be in the current situation. Although it is a bit difficult now, it is not like what he said. "

  Li Yuanyuan understands Shao Wenbo's thoughts best. He sees that Li Zhenting is here and wants to get some wool from the richest man.

The current Shaw Group is indeed very difficult. When she took over, Wu Lili had already emptied the Shaw Group. During this period of time, she worked hard day and night to survive the scene. It is true that she owes a bank loan, but there is no need Urgent at this moment.

A woman's status in her husband's family is also very important for her mother's family to win. Shen Ning was not seen by the Li family in those years. She is very clear about it. Now, she doesn't want to use Shen Ning, at least she doesn't want to drag her down. she.

  Shao Wenbo was not reconciled, and wanted to talk, but Li Meiyuan stared, so frightened that he dared not speak.

In fact, after Wu Lili's incident, although Li Yuanyuan returned to Shao's house, he did not forgive Shao Wenbo. Now they are still separated. Under Jun Meizhen's arrangement, all the big and small things in Shao's house are now With Li Meiyuan in charge, Shao Wenbo has no rights.

   Shen Ning didn't speak after hearing this.

  (end of this chapter)

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