Chapter 812 Did anyone bully you?

  In the bedroom, grandma was lying quietly, her thin figure getting smaller and smaller.

  Her nose was sore, and she began to search for the little black box in the bedroom.

  But no matter how hard I searched, it disappeared.

  She sat down on the chair and looked at grandma stupidly.

   If you guessed right, Shao Wenbo must have taken that little black box away in the confusion.

what to do?

  If it was just jewelry given to her by grandma, then it would be nothing, she would not have wanted it, and if it was taken away, it would be regarded as returning it to the original owner.

   But what about something else?

  After thinking about it, she fell silent.

   It is impossible for grandma to give her anything else. If she had given it to her when she returned to the imperial capital, the evidence of her mother's murder had already been given to her, so there should be nothing else.

  Grandma's natal family is a well-known jewelry family, and there must be a lot of jewelry. The small black wooden box contains the most jewelry.

   She didn't care about those things!

   That is, if you don’t care, uncle will take it away!

  She didn't bother anymore.

"Mr. Li, after the inspection by our professional team, you have to be mentally prepared. The internal organs of the old man have deteriorated severely, especially the lungs. More than half of them have rotted away. It is unlikely to be cured. It’s coming, I don’t recommend surgery, and now I’m mainly resting.” After a while, when Shen Ning went out to drink some water, suddenly, the voice of the attending doctor Yang Xian came from the guest room.

"Okay, I get it. No matter what, we must do everything possible to prolong the life of the old man. During this time, you should do your best to treat it. Don't worry about the expenses." Li Zhenting's voice was slightly tired, obviously he just fell asleep wake up.

   "President Li, don't worry, we will do our best."



  Shen Ning stood blankly in the living room. Grandma's time is running out, and there will be one less dear relative in this world.

  She covered her mouth in sadness.

   "Ning Ning, what's wrong with you?" Not long after, when Li Zhenting sent Yang Xian out, he happened to see Shen Ning standing in the living room crying secretly, and asked in surprise, "Did anyone bully you?"

   "No." Shen Ning shook his head and wiped away his tears, "I have heard what Dr. Yang said."

Li Zhenting was silent for a while when he heard the words, came over and pressed her head into his arms, stroked and comforted her and said: "Life and death, sickness and death are the laws of nature, we juniors will do our best to treat and take care of you, don't be sad, just go with the flow Naturally."

   "Mmm." Shen Ning said "Mmm", everyone understands this truth, and he knows how to say it when he persuades others, but when it is his turn, it is so painful and difficult.

"Ning Ning, I didn't do my best when my mother left, and I have been guilty all the time. Now that my grandma is seriously ill, I will definitely do my best. Believe me." Li Zhenting stroked her shoulders, hugged her into his arms with affection, "We will have such a day in the future, let's face it calmly."

  Hearing him mentioning her mother, Shen Ning's inner grief and indignation welled up again. At that time, her loneliness and helplessness were so desolate, and there was no comforter around her.

   Her tears fell again.

  In the past few days, she has been extremely fragile. The pain of losing a loved one made her unable to think about anything, only feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

   Fortunately, this time, he firmly guarded her side.

   "Don't cry, I have already handed over all the work to Leng Xue, and I will always be with you during this time." Li Zhenting hugged her and spoke softly, wiping away her tears.

   Shen Ning pursed his lips tightly, not letting tears fall.

Over the years, she has been thinking that when she went to ask Li Zhenting to save her mother, he slept with her by mistake that day. On that day, she was pregnant with three babies. Thanks to her blessing, after losing one loved one, she gained three more.

  According to the Buddhist theory of rebirth, she actually got it, which is why she can let go of it.

  (end of this chapter)

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