Chapter 815 This man is really hopeless

   Shen Ning couldn't take it anymore!

   "Uncle, grandma is seriously ill, do you still have a conscience for persecuting her like this?" Shen Ning rushed in and asked angrily.

  Shao Wenbo was shocked, he didn't expect Shen Ning to run in in the middle of the night, his face was full of panic.

   But soon, he calmed down.

"Shen Ning, could it be that your grandmother gave you all the jewelry from our Shao family? It's from our Shao family's property. Don't even think about it. If you give it to you, then quickly take it out, or I will find out , I will definitely file a lawsuit with you." He said bluntly.

   Shen Ning was very angry when he heard this.

"Uncle, whoever wants to give grandma's jewels is her right. You forced her when she was so seriously ill, did you consider her health?" She accused angrily, "As for grandma's jewels, you Don't worry, even if the old man really gave it to me, I won't take it, I don't need these things, please respect her old man and me, and don't make groundless accusations and speculations."

"Hey." Shao Wenbo sneered when he heard it, "Don't pretend to be arrogant with me. I haven't seen you before. Now that my mother is seriously ill, you have come here one by one and took care of her so graciously. Who knew that you were pregnant with me?" Don't think I don't understand, I have seen many people, and I understand the weakness of human nature best, no one will think too much money, and no one should memorize the things of our Shao family."

  Shen Ning didn't expect his thinking to be so dirty, this man is really hopeless.

"Uncle, the Li Group has plenty of money. Would Li Zhenting care about grandma's jewels? Besides, you had auctioned off grandma's jewels to pay off the debt. If he hadn't taken the Sleeping Beauty and those jewels, Shaw Brothers Do you still have jewelry? I also sent back the set of Sleeping Beauty and jewelry to my grandma. If I want to give it back, you are simply insulting our personality, even insulting me. Even Li Zhenting is suspicious. It's too much."

  Shen Ning was so angry that his face flushed, a big man didn't do serious things, he was full of calculations, and had nothing to do.

   "Ning, Ning..." Suddenly, the grandma who was motionless on the hospital bed called Shen Ning's nickname intermittently.

   "Grandma." Shen Ning rushed forward and shouted loudly.

  Shao Wenbo also rushed forward.

   "You, you... this bastard." Jun Meizhen stared at Shao Wenbo, her fingers trembling, "Get lost."

   "Mom, if you tell me where the jewelry is, I'll get out." Shao Wenbo was already shameless for asking for money, so he played a rogue.

   "Don't even think about it..." Jun Meizhen began to gasp for breath, opening and closing her fingers continuously, appearing in extreme pain.

   "Grandma." Shen Ning was so frightened that he hugged her into his arms, his heart ached, and he gave her chest to breathe with his fingers.

  Jun Meizhen gasped heavily for a while and was speechless.

   "Hurry up and call a doctor." Shen Ning shouted at Shao Wenbo.

  Shao Wenbo stood still, and said coldly: "In case I leave, she gave you the jewelry."

   What a jerk!

   "Then you come and take care of her old man, I'll call a doctor." Shen Ning called to him, just as he was about to put down Jun Meizhen to call a doctor.


  Jun Meizhen firmly grasped her finger, not letting her go.

   "Grandma." She looked down at her.

  Jun Meizhen opened her eyes after a violent panting, and looked at her with a blazing light in her eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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