Chapter 818 I have joined the Li Group

   Li's Castle.

   "Ning Ning, please come with me to the study." As soon as Shen Ning and Li Zhenting got home, Li Wanqing stood in front of the gate and waited for them. She comforted Shen Ning and then immediately changed the subject and spoke to her.

   Shen Ning was taken aback, did something important happen? One must know that Li Wanqing never asked her to go to the study to talk.

  She felt faintly uneasy!

  Li Zhenting also looked at Li Wanqing in shock.

  But Li Wanqing just turned around and walked towards the study.

  Shen Ning looked sharply, and had no choice but to follow Li Wanqing to the study.

   "Mom, what do you want from me?" She asked anxiously as soon as she entered the study.

"Ningning, come on, sit down first, I have something to ask you." Li Meiyuan took her arm and sat down on the sofa. After a pause, he said, "I want you to be the leader of the Li Group Vice President, to assist Zhen Ting's work."


  Shen Ning almost jumped when he heard it.

"Ning Ning, don't be surprised, this is after my careful consideration." Li Meiyuan squeezed her hand, "I hope you can love my son until the end of life, and the two of you will work together, raise your eyebrows, and become a Li family group guardian of the

"Mom, but my ability is limited, and I don't know anything about Li's Group. I can't even be a department manager, let alone a vice president." Shen Ning shook his head, thinking that this is Tianfang Yetan.

  Ke Li Wanqing smiled slightly:

   "Don't worry, I know this better than you. You don't have to take care of the company's business affairs. The main thing is to take care of Zhenting. Tell me now, do you agree?"

   "I..." Shen Ning really didn't know how to answer, "Mom, I'm too busy with Gu Qi's affairs."

   "I will send someone to assist Marley at Gu Qi, don't worry, nothing will happen."

   "But Mom, even if I agree, Zhenting may not agree." Shen Ning thought of Li Zhenting, he is the president of the company, and he must agree to the company's personnel appointment. He will never agree to such a ridiculous arrangement.

  But Li Wanqing is full of confidence:

   "It's up to him whether he agrees or not. All you need is your consent. I have my own arrangements."

   "Mom, let me think about it first." Shen Ning was really embarrassed.

"Ning Ning, do you love Zhen Ting? If you love him, go and stay with him. You can't go wrong listening to what mom says. Mom sincerely hopes that you two will be happy for a long time." Li Wanqing sighed He took a deep breath, and said earnestly, "Li's Group has many businesses, and the company is intricate. You go to experience it now, and you can stay with Zhenting in the future. This is good for the future of both of you."

Shen Ning seemed to understand Li Wanqing's painstaking efforts, but she didn't seem to understand anything. After all, a Gu Qi had already caused her a lot of trouble, plus a Li family group, and she was pregnant again, and her energy was limited. Besides, she Really nothing.

  But Li Wanqing has a big idea, and it seems that she has decided long ago.

   In desperation, Shen Ning could only try to accept it under Li Wanqing's aggressive pressure.

  However, the next day, when she was reporting to the Li Group, she met a woman unexpectedly at the elevator entrance, and she began to understand Li Wanqing's intentions.

   "Sister, good morning." Xiaofeng was sitting in a wheelchair, a nurse was pushing her, her face was pale, she was wearing a hospital gown, she was holding a folder in her hand, she was delicate and charming.

   "Why did you come here?" Shen Ning was shocked.

  Xiaofeng is soft and weak, with a white but confident smile on his face: "Sister, don't you know? I have already joined the Li's Group."

   "You joined Li's Group?" Shen Ning was incredulous, "Didn't you just have an operation after a serious illness? How did you join Li's Group? What position did you join Li's Group? Does Zhenting know?"

  (end of this chapter)

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