Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 826: The rank of the white lotus is really high

  Chapter 826 The rank of the white lotus is really high

   "Okay, I understand." Xiaofeng smiled suddenly, and said to Manager Gu: "Manager Gu, you go out first, I will leave right away, I still have something to say to Vice President Shen before I leave."

  After speaking, she said to Nurse Wu next to her:

   "Nurse Wu, you should go out first."

   "Okay." Nurse Wu agreed, then turned and walked out, and Manager Gu also went out.

  Only Shen Ning and Xiaofeng were left in the president's office.

  Xiaofeng looked at her, gently stroking the file bag with her slender jade fingers, as if stroking a rare treasure, and said softly:

   "Sister, I'm a newly recruited designer in a special department. Some confidential issues must be given to President Li in person. Are you sure you can target me like this? If this delays the research and development work of Xinde, can you afford it?"

  She raised the file bag in her hand, her eyebrows raised lightly:

   "Do you know what is pretending here? An ignorant woman like you will never understand. It is only your luck that Zhen Ting can marry you. You don't deserve him at all."

  She laughed coldly, her red lips were like blood.

  Shen Ning stared at her calmly.

  This woman is full of confidence, as if she has mastered certain confidential documents.

She said in a deep voice: "Miss Shen, any company has its own rules, and without rules there is nothing perfect. If Miss Shen really cares about the company, then she should know how to abide by the company's basic rules and regulations. This is a manifestation of comprehensive quality. It is also the most basic rule of the company's operation. Not only does Ms. Shen not reflect, but she shows off in front of me like this. She also said that I am not worthy of Mr. Li. Don't worry, I will tell him this when he comes back. Mr. Li will decide whether he is worthy or not. Calculate."

  The shadow on Xiaofeng's face is getting darker and darker, and the smile on the corner of his lips is also very cold.

  She suddenly apologized: "Sister is right, I was ill-considered. I'm sorry to you now."

   After finishing speaking, she kindly reminded:

"However, sister, I also want to remind you that Zhen Ting is not an ordinary man. He is in charge of a multinational company and needs to face all kinds of people and deal with various complicated problems. Sister, you don't understand anything, but you have to Forcibly intervening in the company's affairs is not good for you, men's patience is limited."

  As she spoke, she turned the wheelchair in a circle and said with a smile:

   "Okay, I've finished what I want to say, let's go out now."

  Finger pressed the switch of the electric wheelchair, and the wheelchair came to the gate soon.

  There is a threshold beside the gate. Although it is not too high, it is still somewhat high.

   "Sister, can you help me?" She looked back at Shen Ning with a bright and sweet smile.

   Shen Ning looked down at the threshold, and the wheelchair could pass with a little effort, but it was really inconvenient for her to sit in a wheelchair. After thinking about it, she walked over and put her hand on the armrest of the back of her wheelchair.

   Xiaofeng looked down at his mobile phone.

   "Sister, please push me out of the wheelchair." She said softly, "Thank you."

  Shen Ning really didn't want to see this disgusting woman, and wished she would leave here soon.

  So, she pushed the wheelchair with both hands, trying to push her wheelchair out earlier.

   But at this time


  Xiaofeng's whole body unexpectedly fell from the wheelchair, rolled forward, and rolled onto the corridor.

   "Ah." She screamed in pain, her body curled up into a ball, and blood flowed from her arms and teeth, "It hurts so much."

   Shen Ning was stunned.

  The threshold is not too high, she just pushed the wheelchair, and didn't use much force, how could she roll off the wheelchair?

   While he was in amazement, the elevator door opened, and Li Zhenting walked out quickly.

"Xiaofeng, what's going on?" Li Zhenting saw Xiaofeng who fell on the ground at a glance, rushed over, bent down, and when he saw the blood flowing from the corner of her lips, his face turned dark, and he raised his eyes He looked at Shen Ning.

  Shen Ning was dumbfounded.

   "Zhen Ting, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come to you privately, and made my sister unhappy."

  Xiaofeng's fingers tightly grasped the clothes on Li Zhenting's chest, with weak tears on his face,

"I just came back to the office and made the crystal design as quickly as possible. I was so excited that I just wanted to show you earlier, but I didn't expect that you were not in the office. I was so anxious that I went in without ringing the doorbell." It made my sister very angry, it's my fault, I don't know the rules."

   She was sobbing and talking, with a look of self-blame.

   Shen Ning already understood.

  Damn, the rank of this white lotus is really high, so high that she can't imagine when she will play tricks to frame her.

   Moreover, she has already used this method once, but she didn't pay attention to it. She was too careless and took it lightly.

  (end of this chapter)

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