Chapter 828 This is incredible

   Streamer Cafe.

  Zhu Qixiong is dressed in gray casual clothes, relaxed and freehand, his whole body is casual and lazy, and his gestures are particularly chic.

   "Ning Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?" After sitting down, Zhu Qixiong's clear eyes fell on Shen Ning's face, seeing that she was not looking well, he asked with concern.

   "I'm fine." Shen Ning smiled, feeling bitter.

  Zhu Qixiong's eyes deepened.

  Some time ago, Shen Ning's grandmother passed away. In fact, he didn't go on a business trip, and he was always watching her secretly.

  During that time, Li Zhenting was always by her side, caring for her. When Jun Meizhen held the memorial service, he saw Shen Ning in the crowd, frail and haggard, and wanted to go up to protect her.

   But Li Zhenting was always by her side, and he took care of everything at the funeral.

  He treated her very well, they looked like a loving couple, and he left quietly.

   It's just that we haven't seen each other for two days, and now Shen Ning looks even more haggard than a few days ago.

  He looked at her and took a sip of his coffee.

   "Master Zhu, may I ask, when I asked you to investigate Xiaofeng some time ago, did you find out that she is a chip designer?" Shen Ning just sat down for a long time, and asked straight to the point.

   "Chip designer?" Zhu Qixiong was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "You are not joking about the world, are you? She is a chip designer? Why don't you say that the aircraft carrier was invented by her?"

  Shen Ning is also full of suspicion: "But now she has been hired as the chip designer of Li's Group."

"Is there such a thing?" The smile on Zhu Qixiong's face disappeared, "I remember the result of the investigation at that time was that she was working in Shenzhen to support her mother, and she often went to nightclubs. How many companies have hired her with high salaries, why bother to work part-time."

   "But now she has entered the chip design department of Li's Group with her true skills."

   "This is unbelievable." Zhu Qixiong sighed, and suddenly laughed, "Silly girl, you should ask Li Zhenting, maybe it was his big arrangement."

  If a man wants to keep a woman but can't find any excuses, he can use talent as an excuse to arrange her into the company, which will save a lot of trouble.

But Shen Ning shook his head affirmatively: "Impossible, Zhen Ting has been by my side to take care of my grandma a few days ago, it is impossible for him to know about this, and, this morning, he even asked about it in detail. "

  After speaking, Shen Ning gave Zhu Qixiong his morning recording.

  It turned out that in Li Zhenting's office this morning, in addition to drawing two bastards, Shen Ning also recorded Li Zhenting's questioning of Xiaofeng.

  Zhu Qixiong clicked on the recording and listened carefully, with a serious expression on his face.

   "Looking at the situation, Li Zhenting probably didn't know about it, otherwise, he wouldn't have asked such detailed questions." He nodded.

"Yes, he must not know, and I don't know anything about chips. Can you see Xiaofeng's professional answer?" Shen Ning would never believe that Xiaofeng is an expert in chip design, but seeing her His performance seems to have indeed mastered a major technology.

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

  Since she has already served as the vice president of Li's Group, she should understand clearly, and this matter is very important. Regarding the future of Li's Group, she should not be careless.

  Besides, there is always an inexplicable aura about that woman Xiaofeng, which makes her faintly feel that something is wrong.

"This thing is really weird. I don't know anything about chips. How about this? I'll call someone over right away. He has been engaged in the high-tech industry in the United States. He should be very clear about chips. Let him see what's going on. Let's go." Zhu Qixiong said seriously, took out his cell phone and made a call.

   After a while, a BMW stopped outside the Liuguang Cafe, the door opened, and a young man stepped out.

  Only seeing him, Shen Ning almost cried out.

  (end of this chapter)

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