Chapter 841 Where's Daddy?

   "Brother, can you call Mommy?" Xiao Xiao anxiously looked around, urging Ke Ke.

   She couldn't see Mommy, she was very worried.


  Ke Ke took out the phone watch and was about to make a call, but Lan Lan who was standing beside her smiled gloatingly, and sneered:

   "Hmph, stop beating, your mommy doesn't want you anymore."

  Shen Ning didn't come, Lan Lan was very happy, anyway, she didn't have a mommy to pick her up, and she didn't want them to have a mommy, so her heart could be balanced.

   "Nonsense, your mommy doesn't want you, our mommy is the kindest and gentlest, she can't possibly not want us." Xiaoxiao was very angry when she heard that, and glared at her angrily.

   "Lan Lan, how dare you say that our mommy doesn't want us anymore, do you want to be beaten?" Ding Ding became angry and stared at her viciously.

  Lan Lan was terrified, she pouted her lips and dared not speak, but she became more and more disgusted with Shen Ning in her heart.

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao often showed off their mommy in front of her, which made her more and more unbalanced. Even if Shen Ning tried her best to take care of her, she couldn't calm her down.

   "Look, Mommy's car is here, let me tell you, Mommy always keeps her word, and she will definitely come to pick us up." Suddenly, Coco's eyes lit up and she shouted loudly.

  When they saw it, it was indeed Shen Ning's car.

   "Mummy." The three little ones cheered, opened their arms, and ran towards Shen Ning with short legs.

   "What's the big deal." Lan Lan pouted, muttered, and reluctantly followed.

  Shen Ning opened the car door, squatted down, opened his arms, and hugged the three little guys.

   "Mommy, we thought you weren't coming." Ke Ke threw herself into Mommy's arms, her face full of happiness and contentment, her small mouth curled up.

   Shen Ning's heart twitched, and he kissed him: "How come, Mommy will never want you, you are Mommy's darling, forever."

   At this time, Lan Lan came over and just stood by.

   Shen Ning wanted to hug her, but she asked back: "Auntie, where is my daddy? Ke Ke said that daddy will come to pick us up too."

   Lan Lan's face was full of disappointment.

   "That's right, where's Daddy?" At this moment, the three little guys also remembered, and asked quickly.

Shen Ning's heart twitched violently, and the image of Li Zhenting feeding Xiaofeng porridge flashed in her mind. Before coming here, she thought that she had promised the children that they would come to pick them up together, so she returned to the president's office, but Seeing that Li Zhenting was intimate with Xiaofeng, and her husband was feeding porridge to another woman, he ran out immediately.

   "Your dad is very busy these days, so he doesn't have time to pick you up. It would be nice if Mommy came to pick you up." She explained with a smile.

   "Okay." The four little guys were very helpless.

  Since Daddy and Mommy remarried, it was very difficult for them to see Daddy.

  Shen Ning took the hands of the little ones and walked towards her car.

   Li's Castle.

   "Ningning, where's Zhenting?" As soon as Shen Ning walked in holding the children's hand, Li Wanqing came up to him and asked.

   "Mom, Zhenting is quite busy. He's still in a company meeting. I'm going to pick up the children." Shen Ning replied with a forced smile.

   "Oh." Li Wanqing said "Oh" and said nothing.

  Since the son and daughter-in-law remarried, they spend less and less time with the children, which makes the children very unhappy.

   But there is no way, the company does have a lot of things right now.

  If Shen Ning and Li Zhenting are forced to go in and out at the same time, it is indeed unrealistic. She thinks that as long as Shen Ning can stay with Li Zhenting, it will be considered good.

  At this time, Aunt Yun had already prepared the food for the children.

   After cleaning up the children, Shen Ning took them to afternoon tea.

  Aunt Yun prepared exquisite pastries and milk drinks for the children.

   "Ouch." Shen Ning let the children sit down, bent over, the smell of cream hit his nostrils, and his stomach was overwhelmed instantly. He immediately covered his mouth and ran towards the bathroom.

   Lying on the bathroom toilet, she vomited upside down.

  (end of this chapter)

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