Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 865: Are you trying to kill her on purpose?

  Chapter 865 Are you trying to kill her on purpose?

  Hearing her apology, Xiaoxiao cried even louder.

  Xiaofeng was flustered and flustered.

   "Xiao Xiao, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Ke Ke and Ding Ding heard Xiao Xiao crying and ran in and asked.

   "Brother, my finger hurts." Xiao Xiao put her red finger in front of them.

   "How could this be?" The two little ones looked at it, and asked anxiously.

  Xiaoxiao winked at them and said, "The water my aunt poured for me was scalding."

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come, apply the cooling ointment." Xiaofeng hurriedly came over with the cooling ointment, apologized to them again, and wiped Xiaoxiao's fingers.

"Hey, my poor sister." After wiping her fingers, Ke Ke stretched out her arms to hold Xiao Xiao, patted her on the back and comforted her: "Okay, don't cry, don't cry, Aunt Xiaofeng has never taken care of children, no Knowing that your skin is delicate, you can't use water over thirty degrees."

   When Xiaofeng heard it, it turned out that the skin of a child is so delicate that the water temperature can only be below 30 degrees. She has never raised a child before and has no experience.

"Xiaoxiao, Auntie, let me feed you bread. I'm sorry, Auntie didn't know that the water would be so hot. I won't do it next time." Xiaofeng felt guilty, coaxed Xiaoxiao, and tore the soft bread from the microwave oven. Put it on the plate, bring it over, use a fork to fork a small piece and put it in front of the small mouth.

  Xiaoxiao sobbed, opened her mouth and took a bite, then suddenly said "Yeah" and spit it all out.

  She cried loudly again: "The bread is so hot, it's burning my tongue."

  As she spoke, she stuck out her little tongue, it was red, and she was crying miserably.

  Xiaofeng was completely frightened.

"Auntie Xiaofeng, didn't I just say that Xiaoxiao can't eat things over 30 degrees Celsius? This bread was given to Xiaofeng right after it was taken out of the microwave oven. Are you trying to kill her on purpose?" Keke became angry, yell at her.

   "No, that's not the case." Xiaofeng panicked, she only thought that the bread was very soft just after taking it out, and she never thought that it should not be too hot. The only reason is that she has never taken care of children, and she really has no experience at all.

  Coco's face was tense: "Aunt Xiaofeng, I think you just want to intentionally mutilate children, I want to tell Daddy."

   "No, I never thought of doing this." Xiaofeng hurriedly defended.

"Hey, forget it, Aunt Xiaofeng definitely didn't do it on purpose." At this moment, Ding Ding said hypocritically from the side, took a piece of bread with a fork, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, "It's a little hot, but it's cold now. It's ready to eat."

  Xiaofeng heard that Ding Ding was the best, and quickly smiled at Ding Ding: "Ding Ding is right, I definitely didn't mean it, if you like to eat, eat more, and Auntie will buy you delicious food."

   "Okay, thank you, Aunt Xiaofeng." Ding Ding put another piece of bread into his mouth.

   Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.


   "Ouch." Ding Ding covered his stomach with his small hands and shouted, "There is something wrong with this bread, my stomach hurts so much, I'm going to poop."

  Xiaofeng was dumbfounded when he heard it. How could there be a problem with the bread?

  Hey, these little brats are really troublesome. If I knew this, I might as well not buy them something to eat.

"Aunt Xiaofeng, I'm going to have diarrhea, can you help me go to the toilet?" At this time, Ding Ding's short legs were tightly together, twisting his little butt, with a look of discomfort on his face, and asked in a childlike voice .

   "Okay, Auntie will help you." Xiaofeng had no choice but to agree, and walked towards the toilet with his arms, but the little guy's legs were tightly together, and he couldn't walk at all, and he cried out for stomach pain.

   She gritted her teeth and had no choice but to hug him up.

  But as soon as he picked it up, he heard "Puff puff puff" a few times, and Ding Ding farted several times in a row!

  It stinks!

  In an instant, Xiaofeng's face was black with smoke, and the smell was unbearable.

  But she couldn't put down Ding Ding and ignored her, so she frowned, raised her lips, held back her breath, and continued walking towards the bathroom with Ding Ding in her arms.

But at this time something even worse happened, I saw Ding Ding's face was flushed red, he was holding his breath hard, and after letting out another bunch of little butts, he yelled bitterly: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I can't help it!" Stop it, Papa has pulled it up on the trousers."

  (end of this chapter)

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