Chapter 867 Not Chilling

   Xiaofeng stared blankly at the angry and disgusted face in front of him, and couldn't figure out why Li Wanqing came to Li Zhenting's office suddenly and sat on his office chair.

  Generally speaking, no one would dare to sit on Li Zhenting's office chair.

   "Auntie, I'm sorry." Xiaofeng's face was burning with pain, full of grievances in his heart, "I just took care of Xiaoxiao and Dingding, and I was a little anxious at the moment, so I didn't see clearly."

"If you didn't see it clearly, you should hit it. This means that you have been seducing my son and hurting Shen Ning." Li Wanqing was unambiguous and harsh, but when she heard her mention Xiaoxiao and Ding Ding, she quickly changed the subject, "You just now What happened to Xiaoxiao and Ding Ding?"

Xiaofeng felt hairy again when he heard it. Just now, Xiaoxiao burned her hands because she poured hot water for her, and Ding Ding also had diarrhea because she ate the bread she bought. If Li Wanqing knew about this, she would still have Is there a way to survive?

  She trembled with fear and could not speak.

  Li Wanqing is in a hurry now. The reason why she suddenly came to Li's Group is because the housekeeper said that Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao didn't receive them again today. He heard that the three of them came to Li's Group privately again.

  She was worried that something might go wrong, so she hurried over here.

   I didn't expect to see the three little guys when I came here, so I asked Li Zhenting and Shen Ning to find them immediately.

  Because she was getting old and her legs hurt, Li Zhenting let her rest here.

  She wanted to know about her son's work situation, so she sat on the president's chair, but not long after she sat down, Xiaofeng came in and mistook her for Li Zhenting to seduce Li, for a moment, she flew into a rage.

   "What the **** happened to them?" she snapped.

   "Ah, auntie, they are fine. They are all playing in my office. Just now, I poured water for them to drink, bought bread to eat, and took care of them." Xiaofeng trembled with fear.

  Li Wanqing put down what she was holding and left.

  Her grandchildren are in this woman's office, she is worried, she has to go and see.

  She didn't believe that this woman could have any good intentions.

   "Ah, auntie, Ding Ding has diarrhea and tore his pants, do you have any clean pants here?" Seeing Li Wanqing's panic-stricken look, Xiaofeng hurriedly asked cautiously behind.

  Li Wanqing's face changed again: "What? Ding Ding has diarrhea? Why did he have diarrhea? Did you feed him something?"

  The continuous questioning made Xiaofeng even more chilled, his whole body trembled, and his face turned pale.

   "Tell you, if something happens to my grandchildren, I will not spare you." Li Wanqing gave her a hard look and ran outside.

  Xiaofeng's whole face was extremely ugly.

"Oh, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you guys?" When Li Wanqing ran into Xiao Feng's office, she saw tears still on Xiao Xiao's face, her little fingers were spread open, and her tongue stuck out from time to time, which was very scary , the floor is full of debris, and Ding Ding is in the bathroom with his little **** naked, and he is pointing the shower at his butt. What a big deal, I yelled loudly in fright.

   "Grandma." When Xiao Xiao and Ding Ding saw her, they all burst into tears, as if they had been abused.

"Tell grandma, what's wrong with you? It's so cold now that you even took off your trousers. You can't catch a cold." Li Wanqing rushed into the bathroom in a hurry, picked up Ding Ding, and immediately cleaned his **** But when I picked up the shower, I was so angry that I rushed out of the sky. The water in the shower turned out to be cold. In this winter, it is really vicious to let the child wash with cold water.

  She turned her head and glared at Xiaofeng angrily, her eyes seemed to kill her.

  Xiaofeng flinched in fright, his face pale to transparent.

  (end of this chapter)

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