Chapter 874 Because he got real love

  "Vice President Shen." As soon as Shen Ning ran to the door, he ran into Leng Xue head-on, and he immediately stopped her.

"What's up?"

   "Madam, can I talk to you?" Leng Xue was very sincere and polite.

   "What are you talking about?" Shen Ning sneered, "Tomorrow I will be divorcing your President Li, what else is there to talk about? Talk about his cheating, and cuddle with the mistress in front of me?"

With a cold-blooded face and a look of shame, he said in a low voice: "Madam, I think you know your husband better than I do. Mr. Li has never been such a person. Even when Shen Mei was by his side in those years, he was also very restrained, and I believe he loves you, please give him some time."

   "Very restrained?" Shen Ning wanted to laugh, "Yes, he is really restrained, otherwise Shen Mei would not have given birth to Lan Lan.

  That's right, I know him well, and because I know him too well, I know that there is only one woman he has been thinking about all these years, and that is Xiaofeng, and now he has found love, so I should withdraw to fulfill them. "

   "No, ma'am, I don't think that's the truth." Cold-blooded and anxious, "Don't you think President Li is weird these days?"

   "What's weird?"

"He is very emotionally unstable. Sometimes he is fine one second, and loses his temper the next second. He often has headaches, and even people will admit his mistakes. I heard from the manager of the personnel department that once, he even compared him with the manager of the financial department. I made a mistake, and I often read the wrong documents during meetings, this is definitely not the shrewd and black-bellied President Li." Leng Xue raised his doubts.

  Shen Ning smiled disdainfully: "So what? Because he got real love, he reacted like this when he was excited. This is a manifestation of true love, and I think it's normal."

   "No, I really don't think so."

   But Shen Ning was not in the mood to listen to him, so he avoided him and walked outside, and drove back directly to Li's Castle.

  Li Wanqing and Li Jinyao went to church today, and the house was empty.

  She ran to the guest room and began to pack her things. Thinking that the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and she had to leave in despair after only half a month after moving here, she felt very sour.

   This life of riding a horse is really changing rapidly. Although I have made countless mental preparations, I still feel inexplicably uncomfortable when I really leave.

  My fingers stroked her stomach, and Cocoa, Xiaoxiao and Dingding's cute and immature faces flashed in my mind. If the children knew how painful and sad she would be after she left, and the Chinese New Year would be coming soon.

   "Ouch." The intense pain suddenly made her stomach churn, she covered her mouth and ran into the bathroom, lying on the toilet and vomiting.

  After a while, I lay limply on the toilet, my face was pale, my body was covered in sweat, and my body was so weak that I couldn’t even stand up.

   "Miss, what's wrong with you?" Aunt Dong ran over when she heard the voice, and asked with concern.

   "Aunt Dong, didn't you go back to your mother's house?" Shen Ning was surprised to see Aunt Dong's face.

  So, Aunt Dong told the situation again!

It turned out that in order to let Xiaoxiao adapt to the environment when she first remarried, and also to make Shen Ning less lonely, Li Zhenting took Aunt Dong over, but Aunt Dong couldn't adapt to this kind of wealthy life, there were too many rules, complicated people, and Li's old There was no shortage of nannies in the castle, so she moved back to live in the white villa that Shao Meiqi left her, after all, she had her shares there.

  She can also be free.

  But yesterday, Li Wanqing personally went to pick her up, saying that Shen Ning is not in good condition recently, and asked her to accompany her well.

  After hearing this, Shen Ning smiled helplessly.

  She understood Li Wanqing's meaning, which was to bring her natal family so that she would not be half-hearted and have the idea of ​​divorce.

   But now, it is beyond her control.

  (end of this chapter)

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