Chapter 876 She is really powerless to do anything

  Li Wanqing came back in the afternoon.

  After she came back, Shen Ning didn't say anything to her.

  After all, Li Zhenting has promised to divorce her tomorrow, if he told her, she would definitely not agree.

  She didn't want to go on with it anymore, and she didn't want to make troubles.

   Only by getting divorced can she leave here completely and go to a place where there is no trouble to give birth to the child with peace of mind.

   This night, Li Zhenting did not come back!

  She didn't care anymore, and she slept with three children!

  But when I thought that I would leave here soon, in the middle of the night, I burst into tears holding my three lovely children.

  She is willing to give up everything, but these three children!

   Finally fell asleep, and woke up in a daze in the early morning.

  She went downstairs to make breakfast for the three little ones herself, took care of them after breakfast, and sent them to the kindergarten.

   "Goodbye, Mommy." The three children followed her into the kindergarten.

   "Goodbye." Shen Ning stood behind raising his hands, looking at their little backs reluctantly.

  Baby, you will have a stepmother soon, and you must be well in the future!

  After she divorces Li Zhenting, Li Zhenting will marry Xiaofeng soon, and Xiaofeng will be their stepmother.

  When I first thought of the word 'stepmother', my heart felt cold and my whole body was cold.

  The previous Shen Mei had already made her tremble with fear, but she never expected that Shen Mei would solve it. The real white moonlight lurking in Li Zhenting's heart appeared, and this woman's rank was much higher than Shen Mei's.

  When she thought of the children's future without the company of Mummy, her heart ached like a tear, but there was nothing she could do.

In the past, she was not pregnant, only Ding Ding was in the Li family, and she could still fight the devil, but now, she was exhausted and pregnant, Ke Ke, Xiao Xiao and Ding Ding were also descendants of the Li family, she Really powerless to do anything.

  Children, I'm sorry, Mommy is really incompetent!

  She returned to the car, burst into tears again, but when she thought of Li Zhenting's attitude, she gritted her teeth decisively and stepped on the accelerator.

  At the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

  Shen Ning stood on the steps and called Li Zhenting.

  But I made several phone calls but no one answered.

   She was a little annoyed.

   This man is afraid that he has forgotten his promise in Xiaofeng's gentle village now.

  She sent him a message: Li Zhenting, I am at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, when will you come to divorce?

   It was a long time after the message was sent that Li Zhenting replied: Ning Ning, I'm sorry, there is an urgent project to negotiate today, I'm on the negotiating table now, let's wait another day.

   Shen Ning was furious when he saw it.

   Another day!

  This **** man, who clearly agreed yesterday, released her pigeons today. If he really can't come today, he should have told her in advance, what is this, making her wait here.

  No way, in the end, she had to drive back angrily.

  In the kindergarten.

"Look, Daddy didn't drive that woman out at all. Instead, he stayed with her every day. For the past two days, Mummy is not in the office, and only that woman is with Daddy. I'm really mad." Coco Opening the surveillance camera picture on the tablet, his cheeks bulged with anger.

   "Ah, the baby is so mad." Ding Ding was also so angry that he pounded on the table.

"Daddy is really not decent. He promised me the day before yesterday that he would not look at any woman except Mommy. Now, he is still cuddling with that woman. I am so mad." Very angry.

"what to do?"

   "Of course we will continue to fight monsters." Ke Ke patted the table with his hands, "This time, I will invite Aunt Jiaojiao to help us fight monsters."

   "Her, okay?" Ding Ding expressed doubts.

   Apart from being greedy for money, this aunt Jiaojiao doesn't seem to be good at anything else.

"It should work. Last time, she helped us get Mommy back." Xiao Xiao nodded affirmatively, "She wants money, so we'll just give it to her. Anyway, one more adult will give us more strength." .”

   "Okay." The three little ones agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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