Chapter 887 These can be disguised

  I saw it in the mailbox.

  All kinds of ambiguous bed photos of a naked woman and a naked man, she could tell at a glance that the man was Li Zhenting.

   And that woman is Xiaofeng.

  She dropped the phone and closed her eyes like a hot potato.

   Sure enough, after Li Zhenting drove away last night, he went to find Xiaofeng, and they got together.

  Li Zhenting, you are disgusting!

  There is no future between us, there will be no more ties!

  Divorce is a foregone conclusion!

   She shed bitter tears.

  After breakfast, she received a call from Ji Qingshan.

   "Ningning, come out immediately, I have something important to tell you about Xiaofeng."


  She took her bag and walked outside.

  In the cafe.

   "Qingshan, what happened to Xiaofeng?" Shen Ning saw Ji Qingshan already sitting in the cafe the moment he came over. The young and handsome man was wearing a black T-shirt and blue denim, very OPIKE.

   "Ningning, I've already confirmed that Xiaofeng doesn't have leukemia." He was very sure.

  Shen Ning said incredulously: "Then how can she explain that she vomited blood many times?"

  Ji Qingshan smiled: "Do you see that every time she vomits blood, does something happen?"

Shen Ning was startled, and after thinking about it, indeed, every time Xiaofeng vomited blood in an accident, he was fine. She also wondered how a person with leukemia who often vomits blood and vomits blood can often work night shifts, and still focus on sleep Man, this doesn't make sense either emotionally or rationally.

   "But she is in a wheelchair, very weak."

   "Ningning, you are really naive, these can be pretended."

   Shen Ning nodded slightly, but felt wrong:

"But her illness has been affirmed by the doctors and experts of the Imperial People's Hospital, and more than one doctor has diagnosed her. I don't have to trust Xiaofeng, but I should trust the doctor. If her illness is fake, then her How can a weak woman have so much energy that so many experts say she has leukemia?"

   "You're right." Ji Qingshan nodded with a solemn expression, "Not all doctors in this world have medical ethics. When desire blinds the mind and distorts the soul, then anything is possible."

   "But Xiaofeng is just a part-time worker and doesn't have much money. What will she use to satisfy those people's desires?"

"So, this is the biggest problem. Xiaofeng must have been used by someone. She is just a chess piece, and a bigger conspiracy is yet to come." Ji Qingshan replied affirmatively, "You might as well ask Li Zhenting more questions Pay attention to Xia Xiaofeng's words and deeds."

After hesitating for a while, Shen Ning shook his head: "Forget it, no matter whether she has leukemia or not, no matter how superb her acting is, all her goals are just to get Li Zhenting, and she is the white moonlight in Li Zhenting's heart. That's right, I don't need to ask any more questions."

  Anyway, she is already planning to divorce, so she really doesn't need to pursue it anymore. She is willing to pretend to be sick and weak to get Li Zhenting's favor. After so many years, has she suffered less humiliation? Why bother to humiliate yourself!

  Ji Qingshan looked at the thin, strong and painful woman in front of him, his eyes were deep.

   If grievance is a solution, does it have saturation?

  The grievance Shen Ning received from Li Zhenting is something that he will never be able to repay in his lifetime. This man is such a jerk. No matter what the reason is, it is immoral for him to treat Shen Ning like this!

  He was silent.

"Professor Ji, hello." After a while, Ji Qingshan and Shen Ning left the cafe and walked towards the parking lot. When they passed a corner, suddenly, a girl jumped out from the side and directly He stopped in front of him and greeted her with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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