Chapter 893 He and I are true love

   "Of course it is. Didn't you see it with your own eyes? So many doctors have diagnosed it. Can this be false?"

"Hmph." Shen Ning sneered, "Xiaofeng, don't think that you are the only one who is smart and everyone else is stupid. Let me tell you, I have already found the most powerful evidence to prove that you did not have leukemia at all. Everything you have is I'm acting, let me ask you, what do you want to do with all your efforts?"

  Xiaofeng's face turned pale for a while, and he said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

   "I don't understand." Shen Ning took out his mobile phone and clicked on a picture, "This is the medical record you left in the hospital file. It's blank. There is no record of leukemia at all. Can you play tricks on this?"

  Xiaofeng's eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly he covered his face and began to cry:

"Sister, I was wrong. It is true that I did not have leukemia, but I did all this because I missed Zhenting too much and was tortured by love. It is true that my health has not been very good these years. After I learned that Zhenting got back with you After marriage, that day, I asked him to divorce you, but he refused to die, saying that for the sake of the children, he could not divorce.

So, I came up with this idea, trying to win his sympathy and sympathy. Although this method is not very good, it is undeniable that Zhen Ting still loves me. He knows how nervous and sad I am when I have leukemia. Guarded me for three days and three nights, during those three nights, we were so happy, sister, he and I came in true love, since you already know, then let us be fulfilled, please. "

   Sure enough, it was exactly the same as I thought!

   Shen Ning was extremely sad, and didn't think about it.

  Although Xiaofeng's method is a bit despicable, it is also for love.

  Her fingers clenched into fists, her face turned black.

   Xiaofeng secretly looked at Shen Ning's face, feeling proud, obviously, she believed it.

  At this moment, Li Zhenting's voice came from the ward: "Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng, I want water."

   "Zhenting." Before Shen Ning moved, Xiaofeng turned around first and ran towards the inside. As soon as he ran in, he hugged Li Zhenting's head, and asked gently, "Are you awake, are you better?"

  Li Zhenting's eyes were blurred, he looked at Xiaofeng, thought for a while, seemed to be judging whether she was Shen Ning or Xiaofeng, and finally regained his senses, and said, "Ningning, I want to drink tea."

  His throat was dry, and he remembered drinking the tea that Shen Ning made for him before going to bed.

   Xiaofeng glanced at the health pot over there, and hugged Li Zhenting tightly, deliberately blocking Shen Ning's sight outside.

   "Okay, I'll pour it for you right away, don't worry." She caressed his face with her fingers, extremely gentle.

  Shen Ning stood outside looking at the loving couple, his eyes were red, he turned his head and walked outside.

  Xiaofeng heard the footsteps outside and knew that Shen Ning had already left, a smug smile floated on his lips.

  She put down Li Zhenting and poured him a health pot of green tea.

   Li Zhenting took it and drank it, yes, it tasted that way, and he no longer doubted anything.

   "Ningning, I want to drink porridge."

  Drink porridge?

   Xiaofeng was puzzled.

   "Okay, I'll go buy it right away." She stood up to leave.

   "Ning Ning, didn't you tell me to make it for me? I don't like the smell outside." Li Zhenting's stomach just wanted to drink some light rice porridge. Shen Ning made it for him before, and he still remembered it.

   Xiaofeng stood at a loss for a while, she didn't know how to cook.

"Zhenting." At this time, Li Wanqing walked in in a hurry, holding an insulated tube in her hand. This was the rice porridge and dumplings that Shen Ning called back in the morning and asked Aunt Dong to cook for Li Zhenting. The taste of Aunt Dong was similar to that of Shen What Ning did was very similar, so Shen Ning had no choice but to trouble her.

   "Hello, Auntie." Xiaofeng immediately stood up when he saw Li Wanqing, smiling all over his face, trying his best to please her.

  (end of this chapter)

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