Chapter 909 Does not look like a good person

   "Ning Ning, you and Zhen Ting are divorced again. If your grandma finds out, I don't know how sad it will be." After Shen Ning went upstairs, Aunt Dong followed, with tears in her eyes.

   "Aunt Dong, I feel so uncomfortable." Shen Ning dragged her into the guest room, and leaned on her shoulder, his voice choked.

   "Li Zhenting is too much." Aunt Dong whispered, this is in Li's house, she can't speak too loudly, so as not to hurt Li Wanqing's face.

"Okay, I'm fine." After Shen Ning lay on Aunt Dong's shoulder and was sad for a while, she felt much better, and soon stood up straight, holding Aunt Dong's hand and smiling, "Aunt Dong, I Don't let the children know about the divorce with Li Zhenting for the time being. I will still be here with them. When you know this fact after you grow up, the impact is not so great."

   "Okay." Aunt Dong agreed with tears in her eyes, "It's just that I'm sorry for you."

   "I'm fine." Shen Ning thought that she still had a child in her womb, her heart didn't hurt so much, and she wasn't so lonely in this life.

  While the two were talking, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

   "Who?" Shen Ning asked, was it the children, but the knocking on the door by the children was relatively direct and rude, and this one was obviously cautious.

   "It's me, ma'am." Xiaofeng's voice sounded outside the door.

  Aunt Dong frowned when she heard this, her face was gloomy.

   "What are you doing here?" She walked over and opened the door, asking impatiently.

   "Aunt Dong, these are given to my wife by my wife, and she asked me to bring them here." Xiaofeng accompanied her with a smile.

  Aunt Dong saw that she was holding some tonics in her hands, which were very high-end and high-grade, and they should have been sent by Li Wanqing.

   "Okay, give it to me." Aunt Dong took it, then turned and closed the door.

  Shen Ning saw Aunt Dong's impatient look towards Xiaofeng, and smiled: "Aunt Dong, Xiaofeng's background is very pitiful."

   "Miss, you are so kind. You are so kind to yourself, and you still sympathize with others. I think this Xiaofeng is weird and doesn't look like a good person. You should avoid dealing with her in the future." Aunt Dong didn't think so at all.

  Shen Ning smiled, Xiaofeng's background is pitiful, she has a low self-esteem, and it's understandable that her words and deeds will be a little weird. It should be because of these reasons that Aunt Dong doesn't like her.

   "By the way, where are the children?" After going upstairs, Shen Ning felt that the whole second floor was too quiet, so he hurriedly asked.

"They were still sleeping in the room at the beginning, maybe they haven't woken up yet." Aunt Dong hurried over to look at the children, but after a while she ran over in a panic and said, "Ningning, the children are gone, I don't know where to go where."

  When Shen Ning heard this, his face became tense.

   "Is there no downstairs?"

   "No, I just asked Hu's mother downstairs, they didn't play downstairs."

  Shen Ning's face suddenly turned pale.

  It is still raining outside at this time, where will the three little guys go?

  She walked downstairs.

  Li Group.

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao walked out of the elevator.

   Now Li's Group is off work, and there are no staff there.

  The three little guys swaggered down the corridor.

   "Brother, can we find what the ugly woman hid in the drawer?" Xiao Xiao asked worriedly.

  It turns out that since the three little guys secretly installed a surveillance camera hole in Xiaofeng's office that day, they have been watching the surveillance screen and staring at Xiaofeng every day to see what bad things she is doing.

  This morning, they found Xiaofeng rummaging around in the office last night, the ghostly figure of Chongchong, to see what other documents she had printed, and took some XZ into their office drawers.

  They expected that she did not do good, and last night, Daddy didn't come back, and even Mommy didn't come back, they haven't seen Daddy for a long time.

   This ugly woman must be haunting Daddy, they want to find evidence of her doing something bad so they can get her out.

  At that moment, after discussing with each other, the three little guys decided to come to the office of the Li Group to search.

  (end of this chapter)

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