Chapter 911 Fatal blow

   "Look, the elevator has come up, let's run from the back stairs." Xiaoxiao pointed to the elevator with a flustered expression.

   Ke Ke saw the elevator coming straight upstairs with a sharp eye.

   "Run." The three little guys ran towards the back stairs. Fortunately, the back stairs were not far away, so they ran down quickly.

  As soon as they ran into the corridor, the elevator door opened, and Xiaofeng walked out with a happy face.

   In the past few days, Li Zhenting has obtained his household registration book and ID card by controlling Li Zhenting. Tomorrow, she will take him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage.

  As long as the registration is completed and the marriage certificate is obtained, she and Li Zhenting will be a legitimate couple, and she will be the legal Mrs. Li.

  Her goal is about to be achieved!

That's great!

  For a while, she was in a good mood, with a bright smile on her face.


   This bright smile froze quickly on his face.


  Her office door is open.

   Who came into her office?

  Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly ran towards the office.


  She turned pale.

  Her office drawer was opened by someone, and the things inside were turned into a mess, and the two important things were gone.

  At that moment, cold sweat oozed from her forehead, and she trembled all over.

  Someone came and opened her drawer and took her things?

  Obviously, she was locked.

   "Who? Who rummaged through my drawer?" She rushed in, and after a while of rummaging, she fell down on the soft chair and shouted sharply.

  The medicines Reinez gave her were gone, as were Li Zhenting's household registration book and ID card.

  Tomorrow, she will rely on these two things to confuse Li Zhenting to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate, but now these two things are gone, which almost gave her a fatal blow.

   "Who came into my office? Come out quickly." Soon, she stood up like crazy and ran around shouting.

  But the office was empty, and no one responded to her.

   "Ah." After yelling for a while, she rushed into the office with her head in her hands and burst into tears.

   I have been busy for so many days, just to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get a marriage certificate with Li Zhenting, but now, there is nothing left, and the busyness is in vain.

  Thinking of this, she was in pain and her heart was broken.

  In the corridor.

   "Did you hear, that ugly woman is yelling, sure these few things are very important to her, and now we have taken them away, they deserve it." Coco said triumphantly.

   "Yes, let her cry to death." Xiao Xiao gritted her teeth as soon as she thought of her pestering her father, she wished she could fight him.

   "Stop talking, let's go, if she catches you, you will be in trouble." Ding Ding looked at the darkening sky outside and urged them.

   "Okay, let's take the elevator down here." After they went down to the third floor, they walked around to the elevator and pressed the elevator button.

   After crying for a while, Xiaofeng raised his head, with scarlet blood shining in his eyes.

  She put these things in the office drawer in the afternoon, and it was taken away not long ago.

   Maybe this person is still in the Li Group.

   No, she must find this person and get the things back.

  These things are too important, not only the marriage certificate with Li Zhenting, but more importantly, the drugs, which are all banned drugs. If people find out, she will be finished.

  She ran out with bloodshot eyes.

   After running around in the corridor, suddenly, her eyes stopped on the elevator keys, and she let out a grin.

   The elevator button stays on the 35th floor.

  At this time, all the employees of the Li Group are off work. It's freezing cold, and the Chinese New Year is approaching. Generally, no employees are still working overtime.

   That is to say, someone is pressing the elevator on the 35th floor.

   She was excited and pressed the elevator button violently.

  (end of this chapter)

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