Chapter 916 This ugly woman is so vicious

   "Damn it." Just as Xiaofeng's foot was about to fall, suddenly a figure rushed over, raised his foot and kicked the woman's chest fiercely.

   "Ah." Xiaofeng screamed, and fell backwards, the back of his head hit the ground, almost fainted.

  At this moment, the man stretched out his arms to catch Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao fell into his embrace safely.

   "Ning Ning, how are you doing?" Zhu Qixiong asked with concern as he bent over to help Shen Ning with Xiao You in his arms.

   At this time, Shen Ningke is pregnant with a child!

  When Shen Ning thought that he would die twice, he didn't expect that Zhu Qixiong would arrive in time, and he was very moved.

   "Thank you, Young Master Zhu." With Zhu Qixiong's support, she climbed up with difficulty and kept thanking her.

   "You're welcome, silly girl, this is so dangerous, why didn't you wait for me." Zhu Qixiong took off his clothes and put them on her shoulders, and turned his head.

Xiaofeng was thrown to the ground and was in excruciating pain. When he got up and saw that it was Zhu Qixiong who had arrived, he knew that he would not be able to get his things back today. At this moment, Zhu Qixiong's eyes were filled with anger again, and he walked towards her with his fists clenched. Come.

  She got up in fright and ran away.

   "Uncle, thank you." At this moment, Ke Ke and Ding Ding ran over and thanked Zhu Zhixiong with their small faces raised.

  If he hadn't come here today, Mommy and Xiaoxiao would be in trouble.

   "You're welcome, your mommy is kind and beautiful, and she is worthy of my rescue." Zhu Qixiong touched the heads of the two children and said, "It's raining, get in the car."


  The children agreed and got into his car.

   "Ning Ning, are you okay, why don't I send you to the hospital for an examination?" Zhu Qixiong supported Shen Ning, looked at her struggling to walk, and asked worriedly.

   "It should be fine, no need." Shen Ning shook his head with a pale face.

  She didn't want to make a scene.

   "Well, I'll take you to my house and sleep in my house tonight, okay?"

"No, please take us back to Li's Castle." Shen Ning politely refused, the children were all wet and frightened, it would be better to go back, besides, he didn't have any children there clothes, too much trouble.

   "It's okay." Zhu Qixiong saw that she was determined, so he had to agree.

  He helped Shen Ning into the car.

   "I'm sorry, Uncle, we don't take your car anymore, I've already canceled it in the software." In the car, Ding Ding was apologizing to the online car-hailing driver, with a sweet voice and an old-fashioned appearance that made people laugh.

  Shen Ning smiled and patted his head.

  "Mummy." The three little guys embraced her, and Ke Ke said, "This ugly woman is so vicious, she still has that poisonous liquid in her hand, she will feel dizzy after smelling it."

  Shen Ning was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What liquid?"

   Then Coco and Ding Ding told what they saw.

  After hearing this, Shen Ning couldn't think of the use of holding these liquids, so she didn't think about it too much. After all, she and Xiaofeng won't have much entanglement in the future.

   "Then did you take Daddy's ID card and household registration book?" Shen Ning asked.

   "Yes, I took it." Ke Ke honestly admitted now, and the chubby hand took out the ID card and household registration book from his pocket.

   "Then why do you take these documents?" Shen Ning was very puzzled.

   "This is our daddy's, of course we have to take it back, and that bad woman wants to marry daddy with this, so I don't want her to be our mommy." Coco took it for granted.

  (end of this chapter)

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