What is Chapter 925?

   "Director, ma'am, I think this thing looks like a high-tech chip, and it should be sent to the relevant research institute as soon as possible to find out the truth." Leng Xue said after carefully reading it.

   "Yes, very likely." The chief doctor nodded.

  Li Wanqing opened her mouth wide in astonishment, how could such a thing get into her son's head, it's too scary!

"Doctor, what I don't understand is how did such a thing get into my son's brain? He is a big living person, and he is so alert. Could it be possible that he doesn't know that there is a foreign object intruding? But he didn't react at all. No, I've never heard him mention it, which is really strange." She asked puzzled.

"I also find it strange. I've been a doctor for so many years and I've never seen such a strange thing. How about it? Let's send it to the relevant department for research to see what it is, and we'll talk about it after the results come out." The doctor replied .

   "Ma'am, this matter is really complicated, let's listen to the doctor first." Leng Xue made a suggestion like this.

   "Okay, that's the only way to go." Li Wanqing agreed.

  The doctor quickly sent the things to relevant departments for research.

   "Madam, please take care of Mr. Li yourself these few days. Things are very strange now. Mr. Li cannot be short of people. I still have some things to investigate." As soon as the doctor left, Leng Xue immediately said to Li Wanqing.

   "Okay, thank you." Li Wanqing agreed.

   Turned around in cold blood and left.

  Li Wanqing was stunned and then sat down in front of Li Zhenting's bed, looking at Li Zhenting lying on the bed.

  He was pale, his brain was strapped, and he was still in a coma.

  She held his hand, thinking that he and Shen Ning were divorced again, she couldn't help feeling sad.

"Zhen Ting, mom would rather you be an ordinary person and nothing else, so that you and Shen Ning may live a peaceful life, but you have a heavy responsibility, and the halo on your body is too strong and bright, so it will naturally attract some goblins to come. Mom is so sad to pester you, and there are some people with ulterior motives who want to deal with you."

"Zhen Ting, do you know? When mom learned that Xiaofeng had come to you, she immediately took action and put Shen Ning'an by your side, making her the vice president of the company. I went to find the old man, who is the old man, he should have known for a long time, as soon as I went, he gave me the seal, and I immediately returned to the Li Group, talked to several shareholders, and then Do you think mom is messing around when you announce the appointment with confidence? Mom knows you too well. Xiaofeng has always been the threshold in your heart that you can't get past. I knew you would have this disaster. Shen Ning is also suffering, the truth may be worse than you imagined, but since it has been discovered, I hope you can find out everything after waking up this time, and give Shen Ning justice."

"Now Shen Ning's heart has been broken by you. Mom doesn't know how you will face her in the future. There are also three lovely children. They are also very disappointed in you. Mom watched you step by step to today. I can't do anything, I'm really useless, but I try my best."


  Li Wanqing held Li Zhenting's hand and muttered, tears streaming down her face.

  When Shen Ning woke up, he felt much more comfortable.

  She picked up the phone and looked, there were several missed calls on it.

   It was Zhu Qixiong calling.

  She immediately called the phone.

   "Ningning, where are you?" Zhu Qixiong asked with concern after the call was connected.

   After thinking for a while, Shen Ning told him the real situation.

   "Hey, Ningning, I am more and more moved and attracted by you now, you are so great." Zhu Qixiong teased over there.

  Yesterday, in order to save Xiaoxiao, she rolled over like that. This maternal love reminded him of his mother, and he admired Shen Ning even more.

  (end of this chapter)

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