Chapter 928 Are you a man?

   Shen Ning's face changed color.

   "Ah." Suddenly, Ji Qingshan rushed over and grabbed her and walked outside.

   "Hey, what are you doing?" Li Jiaojiao was rudely pulled outside by him, pushed him away, and asked angrily.

   "Other than you, who else knows about Shen Ning's hospitalization here? Did you tell others?" Ji Qingshan asked with a serious face and lowered his voice.

  Li Jiaojiao blinked her eyes: "What do you mean, how do I know if others know? I'm not a god."

   "Did you tell anyone?"

"Others? No, who should I tell?" Li Jiaojiao shook her head. She came here purely to chase him, and she didn't have the heart to tell others. Besides, she doesn't like to meddle in these private matters. She is currently Only interested in handsome men.

"I warn you that Shen Ning's hospitalization here must be kept secret. Don't tell anyone. If you tell others, don't blame me for being rude to you. I hope you don't go around like a gossip. Say, don’t be a loudspeaker, for fear that others will not know.” Ji Qingshan warned her with a sullen face, then turned and left.

  Li Jiaojiao was inexplicable for a while, and stomped at Ji Qingshan's back: "You crazy, what do you mean, where did I tell others?"

"Jiaojiao." Shen Ning had already heard Ji Qingshan's words inside, and immediately walked out and pulled her into the ward, and said softly: "Professor Ji said this to care about me and treat me well, she is afraid of you Tell the news about my hospitalization and let others know. To be honest, I have divorced your cousin now. I don’t want others to know about my hospitalization here. I only stay for a few days. Can you Will you keep it a secret for me?"

  Li Jiaojiao was completely stunned.

   "Cousin, have you divorced your cousin again?"


"I'm stupid, Li Zhenting, you scumbag, I'm going to fight with you, such a good woman as my cousin sister-in-law, you actually divorced her again, is there anyone like you? Are you really a man? I despise you." Li Jiaojiao **** her sleeves, furious, and wanted to settle accounts with Li Zhenting.

  She was really angry, she didn't expect Li Zhenting to be so scumbag!

"Jiaojiao." Shen Ning grabbed the impulsive Li Jiaojiao, smiled wryly, "Love cannot be forced, as long as you don't tell others the news that I am hospitalized here, I will be thankful, other, what? It doesn't matter anymore, please don't get excited, okay?"

   "Okay." Looking at Shen Ning's pleading eyes, Li Jiaojiao could only agree, but she really felt aggrieved for her in her heart.

   That woman Xiaofeng is really a goblin, why should she occupy the position of Mrs. Li, is she worthy?

  While talking, Zhu Qixiong came in with soup.

   Li Jiaojiao turned and left when she saw him coming.

  Upstairs office lounge area.

  Ji Qingshan was about to take a rest, when suddenly, the door was pushed open with a bang.

  He was startled, turned around, and saw Li Jiaojiao rushing in.

   "You..." Ji Qingshan never dreamed that Li Jiaojiao would dare to barge into his resting area, which is simply unreasonable, "What are you doing here?"

   "Of course I came to you to see a doctor." Li Jiaojiao sneered, "Didn't you say that my heart needs to be changed? I would like to ask you how to change it?"

"If you're sick, ask during your office visit. It's my rest time. Your surname is Li. Miss Li, this is the rest area of ​​the men's dormitory. Please leave here immediately, otherwise, I'll send the security guard over." He faced He chased her expressionlessly.

  This girl is too courageous, and she doesn't even have the most basic etiquette and manners.

   They are not even friends. Why should she come here to harass him? This is a violation of his bottom line.

  But Li Jiaojiao was not afraid, just looked at him, and suddenly asked heavily: "Professor Ji, let me ask you, is the child in my cousin's womb yours?"

   "What?" Ji Qingshan almost jumped up.

   "Why are you so excited? If you haven't done anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you are, just admit it!"

   also confessed!

  Ji Qingshan's face turned black!

  (end of this chapter)

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