Chapter 931 You are so kind

  Shen Ning turned around in surprise.

  I saw Xiaofeng standing behind her, who came here at some unknown time, with her hands crossed, very cautious, Qian Hei had a simple and honest smile on her face.

"Xiaofeng." Shen Ning was not overly surprised when she saw her. After all, her mother was downstairs in the hospital. She could see her, and she could see her. I found it, but I didn't expect to be seen by her. I squeezed out a smile, pretended not to know, and said, "Why did you come here?"

  Xiaofeng's face darkened, but she quickly smiled and said, "My mother is in the hospital downstairs. I saw you, my wife, unexpectedly. Is there something wrong with you in the hospital?"

  She was also playing sloppy on purpose, pretending that she had just seen Shen Ning's appearance, and she was very worried when she asked about the back, and looked left and right.

   "Oh, my palace is cold, and I have a lot of aunts, so I will check and take care of you here." Shen Ning smiled lightly, and asked with concern, "How is your mother now?"

   "Fortunately, the condition is stable now, thank you for your concern." Xiaofeng looked a little dazed.

   "Is your mother's medical expenses enough? If not, tell me."

   "Enough, enough." Xiaofeng nodded hurriedly, seeing the concern on Shen Ning's face, her mood was extremely complicated.

   "You must tell me if you have any difficulties." Shen Ning told her carefully.

"Thank you, ma'am, you are so kind." Xiaofeng was very grateful, and suddenly asked, "Madam, I will bring food to my mother tonight. Do you want to eat something? Tell me, I will give it to you when I am done." You send them here together."

   "Don't bother, I'll just order takeaway."

"That can't be done, it will cause malnutrition, you must eat well, tell me what you want to eat, I will bring it to you, if you really don't want to tell me, then I will cook it myself and bring it to you. "Xiaofeng was very persistent and sincere.

  Seeing her sincere appearance, Shen Ning couldn't bear to disappoint her kindness, so he had to say: "You can ask the kitchen to cook me ribs soup."

   "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely bring you the food and pork rib soup." Xiaofeng crisply agreed and turned to leave.

"Oh, that's right, Xiaofeng." Shen Ning suddenly remembered something, stopped her, and said, "Don't tell others about my physical examination and hospitalization here, I will leave here the day after tomorrow .”

   "Okay, I know, don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Xiaofeng understood it, and immediately promised.

  Shen Ning saw how understanding she was, and nodded in satisfaction.

  Xiaofeng said goodbye and left.

  Shen Ning looked at her back and sighed, took out his mobile phone and bought a lot of supplements in a software supermarket, and asked the deliveryman to deliver them to Xiaofeng's mother's ward.

   Li's Castle.

  Xiaofeng carried the vegetables she bought from the vegetable market and walked like a zombie, her eyes were empty and her expression was numb, but her heart was beating like a gong and drum, beating non-stop.

  Calm down, be sure to be calm!

  She secretly cheered herself up.

  This time is definitely an opportunity. As long as the medicine is put in, Shen Ning will undoubtedly drink it, and the child in her stomach will be gone.

   As long as her child is gone, the mother's life can be saved.

For her mother, she has been forced to have no way out. When she was very young, her father died. It was her mother who raised her with painstaking efforts. She has not had time to repay her kindness. How can she let her mother die? , never!

  (end of this chapter)

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