Chapter 934 is very dangerous

   "How do you want me to help?" Shen Ning had already guessed what she was thinking, and asked immediately.

   "It is to say more good things about me in front of him, or create conditions for us to be alone." Li Jiaojiao blurted out, as if she had already thought about it.

  Shen Ning smiled helplessly: "Okay, I will try my best."

In fact, she really wanted to tell Li Jiaojiao that Ji Qingshan's enthusiasm for her was not only low, but also prejudiced against her. She hoped that she would be more reserved and make Ji Qingshan look at her in a new light instead of setting him a trap like this. She didn't win by playing tricks, but this little girl is full of energy, what else can she say besides agreeing.

  The two were talking when someone knocked on the door outside.

   "Come in."

  The door opened quickly.

  They looked up and saw Xiaofeng walking in carrying a bento and an insulated lunch box, with sweat on his forehead.

  Shen Ning was taken aback, and then remembered that Xiaofeng said he was going to bring her food.

"Madam, hello Miss Biao." Xiaofeng greeted them politely, put the food in her hand on the bedside table in front of her, and said to Shen Ning, "Madam, I'm sorry, it's a bit late, I'm hungry Come on, eat it while it's hot."

   As she spoke, she was about to open the thermos to fill her with soup.

   "Xiaofeng, let's put it away for now. I'm full and I can't drink it for the time being. Thank you." Shen Ning stopped her and smiled gratefully at her.

  Xiaofeng was startled, she never thought that Li Jiaojiao would bring so many delicious food, Shen Ning is like this, it seems that she doesn't want to eat.

  She was stunned, but an inexplicable sense of relief welled up in her heart.

   Why don’t you eat it? It’s fine if you don’t eat it, and nothing will happen.

   What if you don’t eat it? If she doesn't eat, mother will die.

"Madam, the soup I just made is quite fresh. I put some mushrooms in it. It's good for your stomach if you eat it while it's hot. I see that you often vomit these days. I'd better fill it out for you and drink it." Xiaofeng persuaded.

   "Okay, you put it away first, I'll drink it later." But Shen Ning still didn't intend to drink it.

  Xiaofeng stood still.

   Li Jiaojiao bit the straw in her mouth, and said to Xiaofeng: "Just put it here, and she will eat it when she's hungry, you go out first."

   "Okay, okay." Xiaofeng had no choice but to agree, and left.

  She walked to the door of the ward, turned her head and saw Shen Ning and Li Jiaojiao talking and laughing, and she didn't notice anything wrong at all.

For a moment, she was glad that she didn't drink it, and when she returned to the ward, she looked at the supplements that Shen Ning bought, and felt even more ashamed, and then looked at her mother on the hospital bed, feeling like a knife was twisting her heart, sitting there with tears in her eye sockets Turn around.

  In the bedroom of the seaside villa.

   "Cold-blooded, this is what was implanted in my brain? What exactly is it?" Li Zhenting observed something the size of a sesame seed with his fingers, and asked expressionlessly.

"Yes, Mr. Li, after urgent confirmation by the research institute sent by the hospital, it was concluded that this is a high-tech chip that can interfere with human brain cells, paralyze nerves, and make people often in a coma state. Drowsy, hallucinations appear in front of the eyes when it is severe, misidentified people, and even obey others, and it is easy to be controlled by others.”

   Li Zhenting's face was livid.

   "Who planted this in my head?" he asked sharply.

"Mr. Li, we can't confirm it yet, and we haven't found any evidence yet, but the current Li Group is very dangerous. According to my investigation, there have been foreign mysterious forces infiltrating in. As for the evil hands behind the scenes, we will temporarily I don't know, and I hide it very secretly." Leng Xue's face was very serious.

   "Tell me in detail what happened during this period." Li Zhenting's ears moved, and his deep and cold eyes shone like sharp knives.


  Leng-Blood began to speak in detail.

  (end of this chapter)

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