Chapter 941 The dream is about to come true

   "President Li, here are two documents, please sign." Unexpectedly, when they walked outside, they walked over in cold blood, holding two documents in their hands.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting immediately turned and walked in.

   Xiaofeng had no choice but to walk in behind him.

I thought it was just two documents, and the signing was quick, but Leng Xue kept responding to Li Zhenting with some questions about one of the documents, which delayed a lot of time. Later, an executive came over, and Li Zhenting was very busy , No longer bring up to get the documents.

   Xiaofeng was in a hurry.

   "Zhen Ting, when are we going to get the documents?" After a long time, she asked from the side.

   "Let's go tomorrow, I have something to do today." Li Zhenting's brows were light.

  Xiaofeng is suffering and cannot speak.

   "Assistant Shen, what certificate do you want to get? How about I help you?" Leng Xue asked beside him.

   Li Zhenting listened and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Leng Xue, you can ask Ke Ke and Ding Ding when you go back to see if they have taken away my ID card and household registration book. If they have taken them, please take them here."

   "Okay." Leng Xue agreed.

  Xiaofeng was very happy to hear that, it would be good if Leng Xue could take it over, but, this Leng Xue is too shrewd, will he find something?

  She felt faintly uneasy, but there was nothing she could do.

   Yunhai Hotel.

  Ji Qingshan's car just drove into the entrance of the conference room lobby.

  The president of the academic society and several responsible persons greeted him.

  "Professor Ji." They were very respectful.

  Ji Qingshan is the leader of the cardiology department in the medical field. Usually, it is difficult to see the beginning and the end of the dragon, and his academic medical skills are top-notch.

   "Sorry, I'm late." Ji Qingshan nodded slightly, and walked inside accompanied by them.

  "Hi, Ji Mingshou, welcome." While Ji Qingshan was walking, suddenly, a beautiful woman in front of him greeted him with a charming and enchanting appearance, and greeted him warmly with friendly words.

  Ji Qingshan raised his eyes slightly, and almost jumped up, God, isn't this Li Jiaojiao?

  How did she appear here?

   "Why are you here?" He asked in a low voice with a dark face.

  Li Jiaojiao raised her lips and smiled, and said sunnyly: "I came here specially to welcome Professor Ji."

   "Welcome?" Ji Qingshan narrowed his eyes, what the **** is this woman doing to appear on such a serious occasion, he doesn't want to get involved with her.

  He stopped looking at her and walked in.

  Li Jiaojiao smiled at his back and followed him.

"Call the beast, I made coffee for you, please take it slowly." After Ji Qingshan was welcomed to the guest seat and sat down, Li Jiaojiao asked the waiter to bring the coffee, and she put it in front of Ji Qingshan herself, smiling like a flower .

  The corners of Ji Qingshan's lips twitched, and at this moment he wanted to strangle this woman to death!

   Li Jiaojiao seemed to see his thoughts, the corners of her lips curled up, she turned and retreated to the back of the stage.

  I don't know why, whenever Li Jiaojiao sees him, she feels full of energy and fun, as if the air is extraordinarily sweet and the sun is particularly bright.

   Even if he doesn't want to see her, she doesn't care.

  Ji Qingshan sat heavily, with an indifferent profile.

  He didn't dare to drink the coffee that Li Jiaojiao brought, because he always felt that the woman was plotting against him, which was very unreliable.

  Li Group.

   "Mr. Li, here is your ID card and opening book." Li Zhenting and Xiaofeng were having dinner, and walked in coldly, and handed the household registration book and ID card to Li Zhenting.

   "Thank you." Before Li Zhenting reached out to pick it up, Xiaofeng took the lead in thanking him, and reached out to take it.

  Withdrawing his hand coldly, he said, "Assistant Shen, this is President Li's certificate."

  Xiaofeng Shanshan smiled and withdrew his hand.

   "Cold-blooded, it doesn't matter, leave it to her, I will use it tomorrow." Li Zhenting ordered lightly.

   "Okay." Leng Xue had no choice but to hand over the certificate to Xiaofeng.

  Xiaofeng took it and looked at it, then put it in the bag, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

  Tomorrow, she and Li Zhenting will be able to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate. She will soon be a legitimate Mrs. Li, and her dream will come true. She really can't restrain her excitement!

  (end of this chapter)

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