Chapter 948 You are a big liar

   Li Zhenting's eyes flashed with imperceptible pain, but he opened his mouth and still didn't say anything.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, you are here." Xiaofeng turned his head and saw the three little guys coming, his heart sank suddenly, but his face was full of smiles, and he spoke very affectionately.

   "Hmph, bad woman." The three little guys turned their heads and ignored her.

   Xiaofeng smiled awkwardly.

   "Daddy, you don't want our mommy, and we don't want you either." Ke Ke and Ding Ding stared at him with anger, threatening with hatred.

   "Coco, Ding Ding." Li Zhenting stepped forward and took their little hands, "Daddy, I'm sorry."

   "Daddy scum, you let me down too much." Ke Kexiu frowned, and raised her hand to shake off his hand, but Li Zhenting held his hand tightly and wouldn't let it go.

  The furious Ke Ke lowered her head and bit the back of his hand hard.

   "Shh." Li Zhenting gasped in pain, how much the little guy hated him, biting to death.

  But he didn't have any objection, just let him bite.

  Ding Ding also had a sullen face, and said angrily: "Daddy, you will definitely regret it in the future, she is not a good woman."

   Li Zhenting pursed his thin lips tightly, without any expression on his face.

   "Daddy, you turned out to be a big liar." Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help crying, "Mummy is so pitiful, I will never like you again, I will believe your nonsense."

"Small don't cry, it's okay to be a bad daddy, we have a good mommy." Coco was finally discouraged, let go of her mouth, turned around and hugged her younger sister, patted her on the shoulder, comforted her, and brought up her mother. When the microphone was on, the little guy's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and his originally indifferent and angry face was full of tenderness.

   "Yeah." Xiaoxiao nodded while crying.

   Li Zhenting looked at the deep teeth marks on the back of his hand, his eyes under the sunglasses were dry, but the corners of his lips still curled into a stiff smile.

   "Daddy, let me ask you one last question, do you want the three of us?" Ding Ding seemed unwilling, and asked with a raised face.

   "No, no." Li Zhenting shook his head, his voice hoarse, "Daddy will always love the three of you the most. For you, Daddy's life is not necessary."

"Then since you want us, don't marry this woman. We all hate her and don't want her to be our stepmother. If you are obedient, we are still willing to call you daddy." Affection.

   "Zhenting, don't worry, I will treat Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao as my own love in the future." Xiaofeng looked at Li Zhenting nervously.

  Choosing between her and his children, she was a little uncertain.

Li Zhenting gritted his teeth tightly, tears were shining in his eyes behind the sunglasses, he looked at Ding Ding after a while, and said gently: "Ding Ding, Ke Ke, Xiao Xiao, please be obedient and go home, you are too young to understand I will explain clearly to you about the matter of adults in the future."

   "Yes, we don't understand, but we know that you are a scumbag." The three little ones said in unison.

   Li Zhenting's face paled, he bowed his head and said nothing.

"Zhen Ting, the children are still young, they don't know that true love is between us, they must be partial to their mommy, don't be too sad, they will understand you when they grow up, I feel so sorry for you " Xiaofeng came over to comfort him, and leaned against Li Zhenting.

   "Don't get close to our daddy, bad girl." Ke Ke suddenly rushed up and dragged Xiao Feng to the side, and Ding Ding also ran up, grabbed Xiao Feng and pushed him to the side.

  The two little guys were quite strong, but Xiaofeng was pulled and pushed by them and fell down.

   "Ouch." Xiaofeng fell to the ground, covered his feet with his hands, his face was full of pain.

   "Zhenting, hurts so much." Xiaofeng looked at Li Zhenting with tears in his eyes, his face full of grievances but trying not to shed tears, really pitiful.

  (end of this chapter)

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