Chapter 952 He has no choice.

   "Mommy, we feel wronged for you, Daddy is so bad, he is sorry for you." San Xiaozhi pursed her mouth, heartbroken.

Shen Ning smiled when he heard the words: "It's okay, Mommy voluntarily divorced your daddy, Mommy is not sad, why are you sad, don't cry, Mommy loves you, and Daddy loves you too, We will always love you the most.”

  She took the three little ones into her arms and comforted them by patting their backs.

  The three little guys snuggled up to her, their fleshy bodies healed the wounds in her heart at once, and a warm feeling melted in her heart.

   "Mommy, let's go with you. Get out of here. We don't want to stay here anymore, and we don't want Daddy anymore." Xiao Xiao raised her face, looking very serious.

Shen Ning smiled, kissed her on the forehead and said: "Little boy, you should receive education when you grow up, and train well. If you follow Mommy, you won't have such high-quality educational resources. From now on, listen to what daddy says, don't fight against your stepmother, remember to protect yourself, as long as you live well, Mommy will be happy, you have to remember, no matter what happens, you must tell your grandparents, you know? "

   "Mum, are you leaving us?" Ke Ke heard the mystery in Shen Ning's words and asked sadly.

   Shen Ning's heart throbbed fiercely, and he said, "Ke Ke, you will leave Mommy sooner or later when you grow up, and you will go to the United States to study after the Chinese New Year, and you will also leave Mommy."

   "But Mommy, we don't want to go anywhere, we just want to be with you." Ding Ding shook his head.

"That can't be done. You have to learn your skills well. Mommy is waiting for you to come back after learning your skills in the imperial capital. Only when you have the skills can you create your future and be filial to Mommy." Shen Ning shook his head and pulled Hold Ding Ding's hand tightly.

   "But Mommy, we love you and will miss you." The three little guys snuggled into her arms again, sniffling their little noses.

  Shen Ning's heart was in great pain, and she hugged them tightly. If possible, how could she be willing to leave her children!

  In the Rolls-Royce saloon.

   "Cold-blooded, have the children arrived home safely?" Li Zhenting's voice was low, and his whole body was filled with a gloomy murderous look.

   "Boss Li, you've arrived home safely."

   "Add more people to protect the children and Shen Ning, and we must not let anything happen to them." There was a cold glint in his eyes, but there was deep guilt on his face.

   Today the children begged him not to get a marriage certificate with Xiaofeng in front of him, crying and making noises, God knows how much his heart hurt at that time, the pain went deep into the bone marrow!

  He is sorry for the children, and even more sorry for Shen Ning!

  I can only blame myself for my incompetence!

   But now the situation is very critical, he has no choice.

"Don't worry, the security of the entire Li's Castle has been strengthened now, and the young lady and the children will not be in danger." While talking coldly, he took out an ID card and household registration book from his bag, and asked, "Mr. Li, These two documents..."

   "Throw it away." Li Zhenting said indifferently.

   "Okay." Leng Xue threw it into the trash can casually.

   "Is there any movement over there?"

   "No, it's surprisingly quiet. It seems that this big fish hiding behind is very cautious and won't come forward easily."

   "Okay, I see." Li Zhenting replied coldly.

  At this time, the phone rang.

   After looking at it, he connected.

   "Zhen Ting, where are you, I can't find you anywhere." The woman's voice was coquettish and coquettish.

   Li Zhenting's eyes shone coldly, his fingers clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were throbbing.

  He took a breath, his face was expressionless, and his tone was low: "I have something to do outside."

   "Zhen Ting, today is the first day we get our marriage certificate, let's go celebrate tonight, I've already booked the best hotel."


   "Zhenting, I love you, come back soon." Xiaofeng's tone became more and more coquettish.


  After he hung up the phone, there was a faint murderous look on his expressionless face.

  (end of this chapter)

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