Chapter 959 A pair of big warm hands

"No, I don't want it. He doesn't like me. I know myself." Li Mengqing shook her head in panic. Regarding this question that she dared not even think about, she would never take a step into the thunder pool, let alone, she I don't want to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix.

  She actually loves Mr. Jing, she is already very satisfied to be able to give birth to his child, and guarding this relationship silently. She doesn't need anything extra, and she is already mentally prepared.

  Shen Ning looked at the pure and simple Li Mengqing, and remembered the road he had traveled before. This road is definitely not easy to walk. It is too painful and wronged for a woman.

   She decides to help her.

"Mengqing, everyone should boldly pursue love, love must be spoken out loud, I suggest you boldly confess to Jing Chenxi, it may not be that he doesn't like you, you are beautiful and young and lively, he How can you not like it, as the saying goes, men chase women, and women chase men, as long as you dare to confess, you may have unexpected gains."

   Secretary Li smiled wryly: "President Shen, please don't persuade me anymore, I understand it in my heart."

   Seeing her unconfident appearance, Shen Ning knew not to push her too hard.

"So, Secretary Li, I'm going to send you to the United States for a year of study to learn about perfume formulas. I hope you can study hard and try to formulate innovative perfumes. After you finish your studies, you will return to Gucci and become a company in the future. An important backbone, what do you think?"

  Li Mengqing stared at her blankly, and after a long while, she lay on her shoulder and cried: "Boss Shen, thank you so much."

   These days, she is having nightmares every day, not knowing what to do next?

   Now that Shen Ning proposed this plan, it was a chance from heaven. It perfectly helped her solve her worries and allowed her to give birth to a child with peace of mind.

   It's not too good!

   "Don't cry, too much crying is not good for the baby in the womb, we are all women, I will definitely do my best to help you." Shen Ning patted her on the back to comfort her.

  "Mr. Shen, don't worry, I won't ask the company for a penny to study in the United States, as long as you give me this opportunity, I will definitely return to the company and work hard after I finish my studies." She wiped her tears and said.

  Shen Ning smiled: "The company sent you to study for the future development of the company. You are talented in perfumery. I believe you can return from your studies. Don't worry, your salary will be paid during your studies."

   "I...Mr. Shen, thank you very much." Li Mengqing was moved to tears again.

"Don't thank me, you can go home today and have a good New Year first. You will go directly to the American school on the tenth day of the new year. I have already contacted you over there. You don't have to come to the company anymore. I will tell you Go down." Shen Ning held her hand slightly: "Take care, study hard, I hope you can get happiness."

   "Okay, I will." Li Mengqing went out with red eyes, and she quickly packed her things and went home.

  Shen Ning heaved a sigh of relief.

  As far as she knows, Jing Chenxi is in the country of America.

   And the school she asked Li Mengqing to study in happened to be sponsored by the Jing Group. I hope they can meet in the United States.

  She let go of a stone in her heart, put her hands on her forehead, and fell down on the sofa. Women who are pregnant with children are prone to sleepiness, and she fell asleep after a while.

  In a deep dream, suddenly, she felt someone approaching her. She turned over and tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

   At this time

  A pair of warm hands caressed her face, delicate and gentle, as gentle as a spring breeze.

  (end of this chapter)

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