Chapter 962 We don't like you

  Shen Ning was stunned, looking at this man who had a dissolute appearance but was actually a righteous and traditional man in his heart, he suddenly felt sorry for him.

   Needless to say, the people from the Zhu family were using him without any concern for his feelings. In fact, he was also unfortunate.

   "Young Master Zhu, I sympathize with you. It's really wrong for your parents to treat you like this, but as far as I know, Wu Xueying is really good. If you can talk to her..."

   "Impossible." Zhu Qixiong said blankly, "She's not my type, nor is she my type. I haven't thought about getting married yet."

   "Then... okay." Shen Ning was speechless.

   "Just tell me, are you willing to help me?"

   "If I go home with you to dispel the idea of ​​your parents, of course I would."



   "Thank you then." Zhu Qixiong smiled happily, showing a row of white teeth, as happy as a child.

   Shen Ning couldn't help but sigh.

  A happy life is always alike, but in an unhappy life everyone has their own unhappiness!

   After eating, Zhu Qixiong told her some things and sent her home.

  The next afternoon.

  Shen Ning was sitting on the sofa with the children reading comic books when footsteps came from outside.

   Not long after, a man's figure walked in.

   "Hello, young master." Butler Luo immediately went up to greet him, very respectful.

  As soon as Shen Ning raised his eyes, he saw Li Zhenting, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, standing at the door, wearing sunglasses, and his sturdy body stood tall like a mountain at the door.

  She couldn't help shaking her fingers, how long has it been since she saw this man.

  It seems that since the day he remarried and got the marriage certificate, he hasn't been back home, or they haven't talked properly.

   It seems that this is because he will go home after the Chinese New Year.

  She quickly lowered her head, expressionless.

  The man kept looking in her direction, his eyes sparkling under the sunglasses.

   "Hmph, scum daddy." At this time, Keke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao also looked up and saw him, they all snorted coldly, turned their heads and ignored him, as if he didn't exist.

  In the past, they would have been very happy to see Daddy rushing up like a swarm, but now, seeing him, they were not at all happy.

   Li Zhenting paused and walked towards them.

   "Don't come here, we don't like you." Xiao Xiao shouted at her.

   Li Zhenting stood still and did not dare to move.

   "Let's go upstairs and play." Coco suggested at this moment.

   "Okay." Ding Ding immediately got up.

  The three little guys took Mommy's hand and walked upstairs.

  Shen Ning followed the children upstairs without looking back.

  As soon as they came upstairs, the three little guys closed the door.

   "Daddy is back, will that woman come back with him to celebrate the New Year with us?" Coco asked vigilantly.

   "If this is the case, then we will go on a hunger strike." Ding Ding was very angry.

   "If that woman comes to this house, then we should run away from home, anyway, I don't want to stay here anymore." Xiao Xiao was even more angry.

   "Hey, how could scum daddy be like this? Mommy is so pitiful."

  The three of them sighed at the same time.

   "What should I do?"

  Finally, the children thought for a while and said in unison: "No, resist to the end."


   They talked to themselves again and nodded their heads.

  When Shen Ning washed the fruit and brought it in, she saw them talking together in a low voice, she probably felt disgusted by Li Zhenting, she was warmed by the children's actions, her heart was sweet, it was really her own, there was nothing wrong with it!

  When eating at night.

   "Mum, these cuttlefish **** are delicious, eat one quickly." Ke Ke put a beautiful cuttlefish ball in a spoon and put it in Shen Ning's rice bowl, and said childishly.

   "Thank you Keke." Shen Ning smiled and put it in his mouth.

  Actually, she doesn't like food very much, but what her son gave her is delicious even if it is not delicious.

  (end of this chapter)

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