Chapter 965 Daddy is at fault

  Shen Ning was still in shock, clutching his stomach tightly with one hand, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of gloomy eyes, which couldn't be seen clearly hidden under the sunglasses, but the man was tense all over, looking very nervous.

   "How are you? Did you fall?" Li Zhenting asked with concern.

  After Shen Ning woke up, he pushed him away, and said indifferently: "It's okay, you don't need to worry about it."

  She turned and walked to the side.

  By the time Xiaofeng saw Li Zhenting, her face had already turned pale with fright, and her whole body was shaking.

  She never dreamed that Li Zhenting would stand behind at this time, because she was only thinking about her own plan and didn't pay attention to the back at all.

   "Xiaofeng, why did you push your wife just now?" Li Zhenting's voice was harsh.

   "Master, master, I, I don't." She stammered.

   Li Zhenting's eyes were gloomy, he could see clearly from behind just now, she deliberately went up to push Shen Ning.

   "Are you still trying to argue?" He yelled.

   "I..." Xiaofeng was so frightened that she couldn't stop shaking, her face turned pale.

"Xiaofeng, quickly take a photo for us." Shen Ning looked at Li Zhenting's gloomy and terrifying face with cold eyes, and was blaming Xiaofeng over there, knowing that Xiaofeng pushed her just now, she didn't know why Xiaofeng pushed her, It is estimated that everyone had a good time and wanted to make a joke with her. After all, she didn't know that she was pregnant, and she didn't know what serious consequences would be.

   This is just a joke, there is no need to go online, Xiaofeng is just a weak woman, she thinks that Li Zhenting is making a fuss, so she immediately asks her to take a photo, and relieves her siege.

   "Okay, young mistress." Xiaofeng thanked her endlessly, and immediately agreed, and walked over to take pictures for Shen Ning and the children.

  Shen Ning and the four little guys stood in a row, each holding a big snowball in their hands, and the whiteness of the snow made them look beautiful.

  Looking at the children, Li Zhenting was about to step forward to take a photo with them as soon as his heart moved.


   They had no interest in asking him to take a photo with him.

   "Quick, throw it." Just when he was hesitating, the photoshoot was finished, and Ke Ke ordered, and the three little guys smashed the snowball in their hands at Li Zhenting.

   "Wow, wow." The snowball fell on Li Zhenting and exploded, and the avalanche splashed everywhere.

   "Ha, it's fun, let's throw it again." The children laughed happily, and picked up the snowball again and threw it at Li Zhenting.

  Hmph, scumbag, why did you treat Mommy badly!

  We will smash you! pack you up!

   Li Zhenting stood upright, and the little ones threw snowballs on him, and a smile appeared on the corners of their lips.

   "You are not allowed to throw Daddy away." Lan Lan rushed up and shouted at the three little ones.

   "I'm going to throw it." The snowball in the hands of the three little ones was thrown towards them again.

   Li Zhenting bent down and hugged Lan Lan, saying: "It's okay, let them throw it for fun, it won't hurt if the snowball falls on you."

   Lan Lan pursed her lips. The snowball didn't hurt when it landed on her body, but it still hurt a little when it hit her face. Just now, she couldn't beat Xiaoxiao, and she hit her several times.

   "Daddy, they are not playing, but taking revenge on you for their mommy." Lan Lan was very dissatisfied, pouted.

  Li Zhenting smiled slightly: "Daddy was wrong, they should smash it, Daddy is sorry for them."

   Lan Lan bulging her eyes towards them.

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao didn't throw away anymore, they chased and hit to play.

   "Xiaofeng, pack up and salute and go after the Chinese New Year." In the living room, Li Zhenting said coldly to Xiaofeng.

  A servant who dares to attack the mistress must not stay!

   "Master, please don't drive me away, I just wanted to play a joke on my wife, I didn't really want to push her." Xiaofeng was trembling all over, begging bitterly.

  (end of this chapter)

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