"Zhen Ting, today is New Year's Eve, don't ask these sad questions, okay? This is our first New Year's Eve dinner, eat more and drink more later, and spend a meaningful night, okay? ?" Xiaofeng's fingers stroked his chest softly, all the way down.

   Li Zhenting grabbed her finger.

  At this moment, the cell phone on his body rang.

  He picked it up after glancing at it. Not knowing what was said there, he heard him say: "Grandpa, okay, I'll be right over."

   "Xiaofeng, my grandparents are waiting for me in Li's old house, I have to go there soon."

   "Zhen Ting." Xiaofeng's face pulled down, "It's Chinese New Year, I'm so lonely by myself."

   "There is no way, the Li family is from a big family, and we must go to the elders for a reunion during the Chinese New Year."

   Li Zhenting stood up.

   "Zhen Ting, take me there. Didn't we get a marriage certificate? I like honoring elders the most."

   "No." Li Zhenting resolutely refused.

   "Why? An ugly daughter-in-law will see her in-laws sooner or later." Xiaofeng was very upset, and pouted.

   "The elders of our Li family only recognize Shen Ning as my wife, not other women."

   After saying something, he pushed her away and left in a hurry.

  Xiaofeng's face was pale, and his fingers were tightly clenched.

  Shen Ning, you are really scheming, and you have managed to get rid of all the elders of the Li family. Just wait and see, I will not lose to you.

  Li's old house.

  When Li Zhenting hurried over, in the living room, Mr. Li was sitting on the sofa, and beside him were two middle-aged men in black plain clothes.

  He was talking with them.


   "Zhenting, come, let me introduce you, this is Director Wang of the National Security Bureau." As soon as Li Zhenting came over, Mr. Li immediately introduced him to the two men in black beside him.

   "Hello Director Wang."

   "Hello, Mr. Li."

   After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down.

  Wang Chu's face was very serious: "Mr. Li, according to our information, spies have already infiltrated the Li Group. We must protect our private enterprise, and also to ensure the smooth development of chips."

   "Thank you, don't worry, I'm ready."

   "We received information today that the traitor is likely to be Li Xuexi, the young lady of the Li family. You have to be prepared."

   "Beast." As soon as Wang Chu's words fell, Old Man Li cursed angrily, "I should have sent her in last time, and I will never repent."

  Speaking of his daughter Li Xuexi, Mr. Li was so angry that his chest felt tight and his face was livid.

   "Grandpa, don't be angry, this time, she will definitely not be able to escape." Li Zhenting comforted his grandfather, feeling very complicated in his heart.

   Li Xueyan must have been used by foreign forces, which is why he has not taken action against Xiaofeng for a long time. He has to use Xiaofeng to lure out the foreign forces behind him, so that maybe there will be a way out for Li Xueyan.

  Although grandpa hated Li Xuexian deeply, he was his own daughter after all, no matter how much he hated her, he would never want her to die.

  Old Master Li wiped his tears with a tissue, feeling very heartbroken.

  The Clock Bureau took out a map, and they began to discuss countermeasures.

   the next day.

  New Year's Day.

  The old castle of Li's family was very lively, and the elders began to give out red envelopes to the younger generations.

"Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, Lan Lan, happy new year, my aunt gave you red envelopes." Li Jiaojiao came early in the morning, and she gave each of the four little guys a red envelope of two hundred yuan, of course Well, today she is mainly here to harvest the lucky money from the little ones.

   "Huh." Ding Ding saw her pouted her mouth, and he really disdains this aunt's money-lovers.

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