"Don't worry, for Shen Ning and the children, your mother and I can't wait to give them food if we don't eat it."

   "No, I mean security." Li Zhenting shook his head.

   Li Jinyao seemed to realize something, Zheng nodded: "Don't worry, I will send more people to guard here.

   "Okay, thank you Dad."

  The phone in Li Zhenting's hand rang, and he picked it up after looking at it, and quickly stood up and left.

   "Ah, I got rich, there are so many red envelopes." After a while, Li Jiaojiao came back with four little guys carrying a big bag of red envelopes, smiling.

   "Quickly open it and see how many there are." Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, and Lan Lan surrounded them, and the four little guys sat on the floor on the blanket in the living room.

  Li Jiaojiao dumped the red envelopes on the carpet, and they began to look through them one by one.

In the end, what made Li Jiaojiao tongue-tied was that the red envelopes Li Zhenting gave each little guy was a set of villas in a prime location, especially Xiaoxiao. He also gave her two sets, and Li Jinyao gave the children gold bars. Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao each had five, Ding Ding and Lan Lan had only three, and Li Wanqing gave a huge red envelope.

  The other houses gave red envelopes, but after Li Jiaojiao cleaned them up, there were hundreds of thousands.

Of course, there is another big problem that Mr. Li and Mrs. Li did not give the red envelopes. They are definitely gold locks, jade and other jewelry. Because they are too expensive, they are all collected by the guardian in the end, and she dare not open them. That's the idea, but there are many elders in Li's old house, and they usually give big red envelopes, and what Li Jiaojiao wants is those.

  Because Li Zhenting gave the children a villa, Li Jiaojiao couldn't get it, so the others...I'm sorry!

"Children, you have to keep your word. Except for the house, these are all mine." Li Jiaojiao picked out the red envelope given by Li Zhenting and returned it to them, while she filled the red envelope with a bag full of eyes. .

   "But you didn't help us find Daddy back." Ding Ding was not convinced.

   "Don't worry, I will continue to help in the future. I will definitely help you find Daddy and drive that disgusting woman away." Li Jiaojiao promised while putting a red envelope.

  Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao looked at each other and said 'grab'. The three of them snatched a big red envelope and ran upstairs.

   "Hey, you are still back." Li Jiaojiao shouted.

  At this moment, Li Jinyao came out of the study.

Li Jiaojiao was worried about the Dongchuang incident and was scolded by Li Jinyao, so she had to carry a big bag full of red envelopes and leave. Anyway, it was just three red envelopes, and the loss was not big, but she ran home and saw that the three little kids robbed her of the money. It turned out to be a gold bar, and the flesh hurt so badly.

  It turns out that Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao had discussed it a long time ago and decided to leave the gold bars to Mommy.

   "Mummy, here is the gold bar from grandpa." Upstairs, the three little guys ran into the guest room and gave the gold bar to Shen Ning.

   "Mum, I still have a bag of golden melon seeds here. Grandma specially gave it to me, and I will give it to you too." The last extra bag of golden melon seeds that little general Li Wanqing gave was also given to Shen Ning.

Shen Ning looked at the golden gold, smiled slightly and said: "Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, you are still young, and there will still be a lot of money to be spent in the future, Mommy won't want yours, these were originally given to you by your grandparents , naturally I have to give it to you, so how about it, Mommy will help you save it in the piggy bank first, and then take it out when you need it later, okay?"

   "But Mommy, we just want to give it to you and let you keep it for us, okay?" Coco knew that Mommy wouldn't want it, so she had to say this.

Shen Ning smiled: "Mommy has no fixed place now, and it's not safe to hold these things. It's the safest to put them in a piggy bank. Besides, you are not young anymore, you can start saving money, understand? .”

  She moved a chair, stood up and took down Ding Ding's piggy bank, and deposited his gold bars in it.

   Then, I bought a piggy bank for Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao on the Internet, and put them in it after the courier arrived.

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