Xiaofeng was trembling with anger, and asked repeatedly: "Say, did you kill my mother?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not? You can't complete my mission, I told you a long time ago, your **** mother is a waste like you, an idiot, she doesn't deserve to live at all, tell you, in the future Don't come to me again, otherwise, if you **** me off, you won't even survive." Xiaofeng hung up the phone after threatening.

"Mom." Xiaofeng fell on her mother and cried into tears. Needless to say, it must be Xiaofeng's vicious woman who killed her mother, "Mom, I'm sorry for you, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you of."

   She cried hoarsely.

  Here, after Xiaofeng put down the phone, he threw the phone on the sofa.

   "It's really unlucky to meet such a mother and daughter." Xiaofeng muttered and walked towards the chip design department over there.

  Today is the first day of work after the year.

  When she walked in, there was no cold pool inside.

  Fang Xianyun was fired!

   This news surprised all the staff of the Li Group, and the reason for the dismissal turned out to be because of indecent assault!

  Everyone couldn't believe this happened. Fang Xianyun usually has a good manner, how could he tease 'Mrs. Li'? He is not a frivolous person.

  Although everyone has doubts, there is no evidence, and Li Zhenting listens to Xiaofeng in everything now, so they dare not say anything more.

  Xiaofeng walked to Fang Xianyun's desk, and asked blankly, "Where's the key to Fang Xianyun's drawer?"

   No one speaks!

   "Are you all dumb?" Xiaofeng asked angrily.

   "I don't know. Manager Fang didn't hand it in. He assigned it himself." Someone finally replied in a low voice.

"He distributes the keys himself? Isn't this a public property? He even distributes the keys himself. It seems that there must be some ulterior secret in it." Xiaofeng sneered and ordered: "Call the engineering department and let The master carpenter broke the lock."

   "Okay." The clerk on the side had no choice but to call the engineering department.

   Soon, the master carpenter came and smashed the lock.

   "Send all the materials in this drawer to my office. I want to check them carefully." Xiaofeng ordered and walked outside.

   "Cut." Someone hissed and made a disdainful expression.

   "I don't know how Mr. Li fell in love with this kind of woman, she's too superficial and arrogant." Some people really couldn't understand it and whispered.

   "Who was talking about me just now?" Xiaofeng frowned, turned around suddenly, and asked angrily.

  Nobody answered.

  Xiaofeng picked up a book next to him and slammed it on the head of a young man.

  The book fell on the man's head.

   "Get out."

  The young man graduated from a prestigious university and is the pride of heaven. How could he be bullied like this!

   "Why?" He asked angrily.

   "Because I am your manager now, I am your boss."

   "What kind of boss are you? You are just a deputy manager. If you want to fire me, you have to follow the company's rules and regulations. Could it be that the dignified rules and regulations of the Li Group allow a woman to do anything wrong?"

   "Hey, you are really arrogant. Fang Xianyun was fired by me. What are you? You don't want to leave, right?"

   "I can go, but I have to ask President Li to come and tell me what mistakes I made, and then fire me through formal channels before I agree, otherwise, no one can trample on the company's rules and regulations." The young man spoke plausibly.

  Xiaofeng rushed over and picked up the documents on his desk and smashed them on the ground. After casually throwing the documents in the air, he raised his hand and slapped the young man severely, and walked away.

   "My God, this is crazy."

   "How could such a strange thing happen to Li's Group?"

   "It seems that the Li's Group is about to end. There is no future for such a woman to become the proprietress."


  A mourner in the office!

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