Ji Qingshan also looked at Chen Xuexie apologetically, and motioned for her to leave first.

But Chen Juezhen just smiled, and said thoughtfully: "Qingshan, since your friends are here, I should give them face and accompany them, so let's go, I will order food for you, and I will take care of you." your friends."

  After speaking, she took the initiative to walk towards the empty table on the side of the dining room.

  Li Jiaojiao was dumbfounded, she didn't expect this Chen Xunxue to be so thick-skinned! He could only walk behind angrily.

  Because there was no reservation in advance, the business here was good, so they could only sit in the lobby.

   "Miss Shen, the business of the Imperial Capital Hotel has always been good. You usually have to book a box in advance. Are you late?" Chen Xun asked with a smile while looking at the menu after sitting down gracefully.

  Shen Ning heard her mocking meaning.

   This is insinuating that they use this disgraceful way to keep Ji Qingshan and break them up.

  She was secretly startled.

  This woman named Chen Xunxiu is not only smart and capable, but also very scheming and of high rank.

  If a straightforward girl like Li Jiaojiao wants to compete with her for a man, she is afraid that she will lose miserably.

After hearing this, Li Jiaojiao's face became even more ugly, and she said directly: "We didn't plan to have dinner here, but Professor Ji insisted on inviting my cousin to dinner, so we can only make do with it, what? You Don't you want to eat with us in the hall? We don't force it."

   She is clearly driving Chen Xun away.

Chen Yuxiu smiled and said: "As long as you are a friend of Qingshan, I am happy to accompany you no matter where you eat. I am just afraid of wronging you. Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you. What's the matter? What wine do you want to drink? Red Is it still white? Go ahead."

   "Okay, Bai." Li Jiaojiao wanted to fix her, waved her big hand, and said, "Let's have a good drink."

   "Okay, the waiter will bring the wine." Chen Yuxie shouted immediately.

   "Jiaojiao." Shen Ning held back Li Jiaojiao. This Chen Juexiu acted very sophisticatedly, and Li Jiaojiao was just a girl who hadn't experienced much in the world. She was worried that she would suffer and wanted to take her away.

   "Cousin-in-law, it's okay. Professor Ji invites you to dinner. You must eat and drink well." Li Jiaojiao seemed determined to bring down Chen Xie, and she couldn't listen to Shen Ning's advice.

  Shen Ning had no choice but to sit down with her.

   "We don't drink, let's take the wine away." At this time, the wine had already been served, Shen Ning said to the waiter.

   "Don't you want to drink?" Chen Yuxuan raised his eyebrows and asked provocatively, with a victorious smile on his face.

   "Of course I want to drink." Li Jiaojiao was young and energetic, how could she admit defeat like this, and immediately waved her hand, very proudly.

  The waiter left.

   Shen Ning couldn't stop him even if he wanted to, sitting there worried.

  Ji Qingshan sat down beside her, and said softly: "Don't worry, you can just sit and eat properly, with me here, nothing will happen."

  He smiled at her, warm as the wind.

  Shen Ning's heart inexplicably calmed down.

  Ji Qingshan pursed his lips.

  Li Jiaojiao is too capricious and ignorant, let her be taught a lesson!

   Soon, all the dishes were served.

  Chen Xie began to pour wine for everyone.

   "Shen Ning can't drink." When she was pouring wine for Shen Ning, Ji Qingshan immediately stopped her.

  Chen Jue raised his head and saw Ji Qingshan's solemn face, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at Shen Ning with strange eyes.

  Ji Qingshan is protecting Shen Ning!

   Moreover, among the three women, he deliberately sat next to Shen Ning, and his love was beyond words.

  At that moment, she realized that the person Ji Qingshan really cares about is Shen Ning!

  As a woman, at this moment, she is jealous of Shen Ning.

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