The next day, early in the morning, Li Zhenting slowly opened his eyes.

   A ray of morning light seeps in through the cracks in the curtains.

  He sits up.

  Xiaofeng was sleeping next to him, the nightgown on his chest was half open, and the scenery was infinite.

  He frowned, gave her a disgusted look, covered her with a blanket, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

   After a while, Xiaofeng was still asleep when he came out.

  His cold eyes scanned the bedroom and walked out.

"Zhenting, Zhenting." Xiaofeng was woken up by the ringing of the phone. She got up and saw that Reinez called from the pier. He was worried that she was too busy last night and would miss things, so he reminded her that she could Bringing Li Zhenting over, Xiaofeng turned his head to see that the bedroom was empty, and immediately yelled loudly.

   "What? Is Li Zhenting gone?" Reines heard Xiaofeng's shout over there, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.

   Xiaofeng sucked on his slippers and ran towards the bathroom. The fog in the bathroom hadn't cleared yet, apparently someone was taking a shower just now.

   When she was nervous, the door opened, and Li Zhenting walked in energetically with breakfast in hand.

   "Zhen Ting." Xiao Feng hurriedly went up to meet him, "Why did you go to buy breakfast early in the morning, there is a match in the suite."

   "Don't you like Zhaiji's rice rolls? I went down and bought them for you." Li Zhenting said in a friendly voice.

  Xiaofeng's face immediately flashed a blush.

  At this time, Reines on the other side of the phone heard Li Zhenting's voice, so he was relieved and hung up the phone.

   "Thank you, Zhen Ting, you are so kind to me." She pounced on him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

   "Xiaofeng, I didn't do anything to you last night, I'm sorry, I drank too much and don't know anything anymore." Li Zhenting pushed her away with an apologetic expression on his face.

"No, Zhen Ting, how could you be so drunk? It's useless for me to drink sober soup for you." Thinking of keeping the vacant room last night, Xiaofeng was very wronged. Last night, they just missed it so much. It's really useless Such a nice presidential suite.

   "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, but don't worry, we will have plenty of time in the future, and we don't care about such a night." Li Zhenting smiled ambiguously.

  Xiaofeng beat his chest lightly with his fist: "I've been delayed for two nights, I hate it."

Li Zhenting held her fist and kissed her lips, and said in a friendly voice: "Life is so long, what are these two nights, let's go visit your relatives first, and then agree on a wedding date, I want the best Everything left on the wedding night."

  Xiaofeng was elated.

  The title of Mrs. Li is really attractive.

   "Okay, let's have breakfast quickly, and leave when we're done." Xiaofeng happily went to wash up and have breakfast.

   After breakfast, Xiaofeng brought Li Zhenting to the underground parking lot. They boarded an off-road vehicle that Reines had prepared for them, and the car drove towards the sea.

   Li Zhenting posted a location on his mobile phone, and soon, all the satellites and networks in the sky were locked on the car.

  On the pier.

  A cruise ship is parked nearby.

  On the deck of the cruise ship stood a tall, middle-aged foreign man, surrounded by two young men who looked like assistants, one on the left and the other on the right.

   Their eyes looked at the road on the pier from time to time, waiting for Xiaofeng to bring Li Zhenting over.

   "Remember, when they come over, control Li Zhenting first, don't let him run away, and take him into the underground cabin." Reines ordered in a deep voice.

   "What about Xiaofeng?"

  Reneth's eyes flashed coldly, and he said viciously: "She is useless, throw her into the sea to feed the fish."


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