Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 15 The Great Cause Of Building A City

Chapter 15: The Grand Undertaking of Building a City

There was no stern expression.

There was no spiritual power.

There was no imposing pressure.

Lu Ya just glanced casually.

The golden eyes of the giant eagle contracted, as if seeing an abyss.

A terrified scream echoed through the clouds, and the eagle flapped its wings frantically, struggling and trying to break free from the control of the black stone.

The black stone was slightly surprised.

Was it afraid?

After so many years, it was the first time he felt the fear of the giant eagle beneath his feet.

This was an Immortal Court hunting eagle at the immortal sect level!

Who exactly was Lu Ya?

The black stone stomped his right foot forcefully, and the spiritual pressure of the six-star immortal sect instantly surged, violently shaking the eagle's body. The feathers were scattered as it forcefully suppressed the eagle's rampage.

Confirming Lu Ya's gaze once again.

Gentle, plain, simple, without any spiritual pressure, and even without any visible attitude. It was as if he was simply responding to his words, "The Immortal World is vast, go out and see more."

Did he hide his strength?

Or did he possess Liu Xuanye's demonic technique?

Or did he possess an extraordinary treasure?

There was no time to think about it. They only heard a mad roar—

The giant eagle beneath his feet once again erupted with even more intense struggles!

The black stone broke out in a cold sweat. This giant eagle had considerable strength, not much weaker than him. At this moment, it was going crazy. Unless he killed it with all his might, it would be difficult to forcefully suppress it.

Are you forcing me to kill an Immortal Court spiritual beast like you?

The Qi Sea churned and rolled, and the black stone was about to erupt.

Just at this moment, Lu Ya suddenly turned his head.

Continuing to roast his falcon, indifferent and unconcerned, as if no one else was present.

The golden eyes of the giant eagle slightly relaxed, and suddenly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Is it over just like this?

The black stone let out a long breath, and when he looked at Lu Ya again, he felt an indescribable sense of awe.

Clearly, he was looking down from above, but he couldn't help but have a reverent gaze.

He suddenly realized that he was the one who needed to go out and see more, like a frog at the bottom of a well.

He couldn't even tell the strength of the man in front of him!

Fortunately, his mask concealed his embarrassment, which prevented others from seeing his predicament.

And thanks to Lu Ya turning his head, he didn't kill the giant eagle.

There was silence on Sword Plateau.

Zhang Pingzhi and Tazhongzi had no idea what had happened.

They only saw the black stone wave his sleeve, and a silver jade slip slowly descended from the sky.

It fell into Lu Ya's palm.

The black stone cupped his hands and bowed, his tone becoming extremely respectful.

"This is Mr. Lu's Immortal Class jade slip. Black Stone, the steward of the Rainbow Cloud Mansion, congratulates Mr. Lu on being ranked in the Immortal Class!"

Mr. Lu?

Lu Ya smiled, put away the jade slip, and didn't say anything else.

Zhang Pingzhi and Tazhongzi were puzzled and were about to ask for an explanation, but they were grabbed by the black stone and lifted back onto the back of the eagle.

Blackstone didn't want to stay for another moment. Before leaving, he thought for a moment and said, "Within this year, Immortal Court will conduct a surprise assessment targeting our sect. Disciples must reach a hundred people, or Floating Mountain Immortal Citizens must reach ten thousand people. Otherwise, the sect will be disbanded, and the right to reside in Floating Mountain will be revoked."

Ning Zhongzi frowned, wanting to say something, but seeing that Lu Ya remained calm, he held back.

This kind of matter was insignificant to Lu Ya.

"I understand."

"I have official business to attend to, so I'll take my leave."

Blackstone bowed and left on an eagle, quickly disappearing into the sky.


After the eagle flew hundreds of miles away from Bamboo Spring Sect, Zhang Pingzhi, who had been patient for a long time, couldn't help but ask, "Senior Blackstone, killing Immortal Court spirit beasts is a serious crime. The three of us easily overwhelmed the people from Bamboo Spring Sect. Why did we spare that kid?"

Blackstone removed his mask, revealing a dark and rough face, resembling black stone.

"This Elder Lu is a bit strange."

"How could the Sword Sense of Immortal Court make a mistake? He is just a despicable person who relied on his body to rise in rank. He doesn't know his place and actually poisoned and killed the Immortal Court falcon. As long as you control Liu Xuanye, I can immediately execute him on the spot."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to kill him."

"As officials of Immortal Court, even if we can't kill him, we should fight to the death to uphold the prestige of Immortal Court. How can we hesitate even a bit?"

"Don't you understand? The one who has tarnished the dignity of Immortal Court is you..."

Zhang Pingzhi was speechless, his face burning as if he had been slapped, his complexion becoming even more gloomy and pale.

Tahongzi, unable to bear seeing his fellow disciple embarrassed, retorted, "Shouldn't we discuss it before informing Bamboo Spring Sect about Immortal Court's actions?"

Blackstone stroked his beard.

"If you hadn't spoken so bluntly and left evidence behind, why would I have sold this favor to Bamboo Spring Sect? You are still young with a bright future ahead. You shouldn't capsize the boat over such a small matter."

Although Zhang Pingzhi was dissatisfied, he lowered his head and couldn't say anything.

Blackstone continued, "Liu Xuanye didn't receive us today. It seems that after advancing to the Immortal Sect, it will be even more difficult to control his poisonous body. In this way, Bamboo Spring Sect won't be able to develop a hundred disciples or ten thousand Immortal Citizens within a year. Even if Liu Xuanye's Dao companion really hides their strength, they won't be able to save Bamboo Spring Sect in this situation."

"If they resort to desperate measures and forcefully recruit people into the sect, then there won't be a need for Immortal Court's surprise assessment. Bamboo Spring Sect will be directly disbanded."

"So, this favor of mine might just be poison to Bamboo Spring Sect. You two don't need to dwell on it. Just quietly watch the show."

Zhang Pingzhi and the others felt that something was off, but they still admired Blackstone's way of handling things and bowed together.

"Senior is wise."


Bamboo Spring Sect.

After Blackstone and the others left, Ning Zhongzi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Blackstone was a cunning old fox, skilled in Tai Chi, and had been profiting from Bamboo Spring Sect for years.

Of course, if it weren't for his behind-the-scenes manipulation, Bamboo Spring Sect wouldn't have survived until today. The two sides had a mutually beneficial relationship.

He had always been successful in his strategies, but today he encountered Lu Ya.

Roasting an Immortal Court spirit beast in front of everyone, a single glance from Lu Ya almost made Blackstone kill his own falcon...

Is Senior Lu really that powerful?

The more familiar Ning Zhongzi became with Lu Ya, the less he could understand this man.

But since Senior Lu did it openly in broad daylight, roasting an Immortal Court spirit beast, was he too desperate for food?

Fortunately, everything went smoothly today. Ning Zhongzi no longer dwelled on these matters and walked to Lu Ya's side. With a graceful posture, he slightly bowed and said, "Congratulations, Senior Brother, on entering the Immortal Class."

Then he used his divine sense to remind Muyu Feifei, who was adding firewood.

The two girls finally lifted their burnt curly tiger heads and muttered symbolically to Lu Ya, "Congratulations, Junior Master, for being ranked among the Immortal Class."

Two chestnuts exploded on their heads.

The two girls finally realized that they had said the wrong thing.

"Congratulations, Junior Master, for being ranked among the Immortal Class."

With the iron rice bowl in hand, Lu Ya did not feel as excited as she had imagined. Just as Muyu Feifei had said, it didn't feel as fragrant as roasting the hunting falcon of the Immortal Court.

The reputation sounded much better. She was no longer a wandering Scattered Immortal, but an elite of the Immortal World who ate the government's food from the Immortal Court.

Ning Zhongzi said again, "If nothing unexpected happens, Senior Brother will be able to hold the ceremony of sealing the spouse with the Sect Master tomorrow."

Lu Ya nodded.


At this time, the falcon meat was finally cooked.

Drops of red oil slowly slid down the plump skin of the meat, making a pleasing sound.

Muyu Feifei cried with hunger, disregarding the heat, and took a bite, feeling the hot and boiling sensation in her mouth.

Lu Ya's stomach acid churned, eager to move, but she still politely asked, "Would Senior Sister like to taste it?"

Ning Zhongzi's face was calm as she restrained the inexplicable appetite brought by the heavenly fragrance and said, "I don't eat meat."

"Do you have any wine?"

"I don't drink alcohol either."

"Not eating meat, not drinking alcohol, only cultivating in a group. Senior Sister's life is really boring and dull."


Ignoring Ning Zhongzi, Lu Ya gently put the falcon meat into her mouth.

The heavenly deliciousness spread like ripples, resonating in her mouth.

The falcon meat, refined by the bamboo fire, was already fragrant, and with the addition of seasoning, it became even more flavorful, tender, crispy, savory, spicy, and fragrant, all dancing in her mouth.

With one chew, all unhappiness was forgotten.

With two chews, it felt like strolling in the clouds.

With three chews, it felt like an Immortal Transformation Ascension.

Lu Ya was so moved that she was about to cry.

Since transmigrating until now, she had finally eaten something decent!

Muyu Feifei devoured the food like a hungry tiger, resembling a glutton, afraid of eating too slowly.

Looking at the two girls' shocking eating manners, Ning Zhongzi's eyebrows furrowed and her collar trembled slightly.

"So this is how you eat the embroidery ball?"

Muyu Feifei's small face froze, stopped eating meat, and her expression suddenly became heavy.

"Humans are truly shameful, without any limits."

"Poor senior falcon, ridden during life and eaten after death."

"I am Muyu."

"I am Feifei."

"Let us mourn for the senior."

After speaking, the two of them buried their heads and ate even more quickly.

Ning Zhongzi's eyes twitched slightly.

"Is this how you mourn?"

"Nanny, as mere humans, how could you understand the mourning customs of our beast clan?"

"Senior Sun has been liberated, while the two of us continue to suffer from human bullying."

As they spoke, the two girls burst into tears and choked on their meat.

"Look, I'm so angry that I'm crying."

"In this world, there are such beautiful... cough cough, sad things, wuwuwu..."

Ning Zhongzi:


Lu Ya:


After a moment of emotional preparation, Ning Zhongzi secretly glanced at Lu Ya and softly asked,

"Regarding the surprise inspection mentioned by the Blackstone Steward, Senior Brother must have a solution, right?"

Lu Ya ate meat with big mouthfuls, not falling for her trick at all.

"What can I do? I'm just here for health preservation. You guys have to work hard."

Ning Zhongzi didn't lose heart and continued,

"After the Sect Master's promotion to Immortal Sect, the problem of the Kefu constitution has not been alleviated at all. In this way, it is impossible to develop one hundred disciples for the sect within a year."

"Not only male disciples, even female disciples dare not go up the mountain. The cost of enlightening spirit beasts as disciples is too high. With Bamboo Spring Sect's resources, enlightening ten Beast Immortals is the limit."

Enlightening Beast Immortals to increase the number of people?

Muyu Feifei, the tool person, was so angry that she ate the falcon meat like crazy, tears dripping down, so delicious... no, so sad.

Lu Ya looked at the fertile plain below the mountain.

"So you want to develop ten thousand Immortal Citizens?"

Ning Zhongzi nodded.

"That's right. Immortal Citizens live at the foot of the mountain, maintaining a relatively safe distance from the Sect Master. Moreover, our Floating Mountain is rich in spiritual energy and fertile soil. Although it is difficult to attract ten thousand Immortal Citizens to settle here within a year, it is still simpler than developing one hundred disciples for the sect."

"So you want to assign this task to me?"

"Senior Brother has profound cultivation and can have close contact with the Sect Master. With Senior Brother taking the lead and using incentives, we can definitely attract some migrants to settle here."

Lu Ya focused on eating meat and flatly refused,

"I won't do it."

Ning Zhongzi seemed prepared and suddenly spoke in a gentle tone,

"The immortal wheat we plant can be used to make wine."

Lu Ya raised an eyebrow,


"If the immortal wheat harvest is good, it will attract a wave of beasts."


"If agriculture flourishes, we can establish a town here and attract foreign merchants. In this way, life in Bamboo Spring Sect will be much more convenient, and Senior can get what you need without having to go to Dongfu City."

"Convenient life?"

"Once the town is established, local entertainment will also increase, unlike the current Bamboo Spring Sect, which is as boring and dull as Senior Brother said."

"Many forms of entertainment?"

"As for attracting foreign Earth Immortal residents, Senior only needs to occasionally show some strength, and specific matters can be handled by Muyu Feifei."

"Someone to run errands?"

Oh my goodness, there's wine, there's meat, convenient life, diverse entertainment, and someone to run errands...

Lu Ya's mind wandered, glancing at Ning Zhongzi's tall figure and beautiful face, and sighed inwardly,

This woman is not as brainless as she looks with that figure!

(End of this chapter)

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