Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 214 [Big Chapter] Don’T Be Afraid, It’S A Technical Adjustment

Chapter 214 [Big Chapter] Don’t be afraid, it’s a technical adjustment

The breath of sadness buries the spring light again.

Among the thousands of wandering dark netherworlds, a girl in red walked alone.

She was walking towards the top of the holy mountain. Her beautiful face and delicate figure complemented each other, making her look unworldly and independent.

But in the eyes of everyone, including Zhu Shen's Perfect Being, the girl in red looked no different from the other millions of ghosts.

She looked up at the top of the mountain.

What is your husband doing?

She was a little curious.

Will your husband like this look?

She was looking forward to it.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his glaring sword eyes moved slightly, and then he looked down at the mountainside on the east slope.

"It's almost time to start."

Liu Xuanye and Zhu Shen Perfect Being are not very familiar with each other.

We only met once three thousand years ago.

At that time, Zhu Shen's Perfect Being seemed to be just an ordinary person, and even among the descendants of Zhu Shen's family, he could only be considered mediocre.

For the past three thousand years, Liu Xuanye has been preparing to deal with stronger enemies and has never considered Zhu Shen Perfected Being as an opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that the first one to show up was Zhu Shen's Perfect Being who swallowed Zhang Ergou.

In an incredible way, he used mysterious treasures from the divine world to create seven divine rings that could restrain the divine seal.

Zhu Shen Perfected Being probably wants to use the power of the divine ring to collect the seven swastika seals, and one person can gather the power of the seven seals to achieve a new existence beyond God.

Zhu Shen Perfected Being interrupted Liu Xuanye's original plan.

In Liu Xuanye's view, she might not be able to destroy the seven divine rings, but by bringing in the Wilderness Emperor, she could at least destroy Zhu Shen's Perfected Being physical body.

There are three keys to killing Zhu Shen's Perfect Being.


Let the swastika seal of Zhu Shen Perfected Being leave its body.

In this way, once Zhu Shen's Perfected Being suffered a devastating blow and Qijie was controlled again, he could not recover his physical body and could only disappear.

To a certain extent, it was not King Immortal Thief who attracted Liu Xuanye, but Liu Xuanye who attracted King Immortal Thief, who had coveted the divine seal for a long time.

After the Immortal Thief King got Zhang Ergou's swastika seal, Zhu Shen Perfect Being should have concentrated on regaining the swastika seal.

But at this time, Liu Xuanye, disguised as the Wilderness Emperor, suddenly appeared. Instead of risking one against two, it was better to win over the Immortal Thief King.

Soon, Zhu Shen Perfected Being discovered that King Immortal Thief was very useful. Not only did he help him defeat the Wilderness Emperor, but he also obtained the 卍soul seal of Liu Xuanye...

Therefore, the plan to retrieve the swastika seal is temporarily put on hold.

It also hid hidden dangers.


The Wilderness Emperor's Xantian Seal is attached with the power of resonance from his body, called the Emperor's Sound. This is a high-level resonance that the Wilderness Emperor passively acquired over many years under the influence of the Xantian Seal.


The resonance power from the body attached to Liu Xuanye's 卍soul seal comes from the resonance power learned from Lu Ya.

When two resonant powers attached to the swastika are applied to the same body, and these two resonant powers are set in advance, they will reach the same frequency resonance at the same time...

Interesting things will happen!

Liu Xuanye glanced at it, turned around and continued up the mountain.

The east slope of the mountainside.

When Zhu Shen Perfected Being realized that the Soul Seal and the Heaven Seal were resonating in a strange way, spreading from his divine ring to his whole body, and even seeping into the Immortal Platform, it was already too late.


Zhu Shen Perfected Being's eyes stagnated, and he instinctively raised his palm knife and tried to cut off his right arm.

It's a pity it's too late.

The surrounding Soul Seal and the Heaven Seal resonated instantly, not only detonating the power of the dual seals, but also setting off a tsunami in the Immortal Platform Qi Sea, triggering the chain of spiritual explosions of the Seven Rings themselves.


There was a roar, a flash of white light, and the overwhelming spiritual pressure spread out explosively, exploding in three directions with the horizontal waves of immortals, the longitudinal waves of gods, and the power of the abyss spiral.

The entire holy mountain exploded into pieces in an instant and turned into thousands of floating rubbles!

Zhu Shen Perfect Being himself was even bombarded into dregs and torn into thousands of flesh fragments along with the Holy Mountain.

Only relying on the power of the large array to maintain cell activity, there was no immediate ashes.

His seven rings were also scattered...

Even the King of Immortal Thief, who was a mile away, was affected by the spiritual blast, and quickly triggered the resonance of the chain swastika, and was blown to pieces.

Fortunately, the resonance level of the swastika seal is not high, and there is still a lot of spiritual power, and he is recovering his physical body step by step...

"Damn genjutsu! The heart is so dirty!"

King Immortal Thief cursed in his heart, but at the same time this was also a good opportunity to escape.

Before his body had fully recovered, he tried to forcefully split through the air. As a result, not only was he blocked by the formation, but he was even bombarded by the formation.

"Damn Zhu Shen, he still let the ghosts of innocent people linger after he died!"

at the same time.

The Wilderness Emperor was behind a boulder and barely escaped the three main waves of spiritual explosions. Although he was seriously injured, he miraculously survived in the cracks.

It seems that the Xantian Seal is still protecting him...

At the same time, I am glad to be on Liu Xuanye's side.

Liu Xuanye's plan is still going on.

Just as the Immortal Thief King's body seal was repairing the Immortal Platform and his physical body was slowly recovering——

A space spiral tore from his belly, just like the way he took away Zhang Ergou's body seal, he took the sheep away and took away his body seal.

A petite, coquettish-looking woman walked out of his belly holding the golden Supreme Bone in her hand.

It’s Gong Youxi!

After being stunned by the Immortal Thief King's spiritual pressure, she was remotely awakened by Liu Xuanye and took on the second mission.

"As expected of Master Xuan Ye, he knocked everyone down before he even appeared on the stage!"

Taking advantage of the explosion, Gong Youxi took the lead in getting the swastika seal.

Immediately, he hit the Immortal Thief King who couldn't afford the serious injury!

He raised his hand and reached into the lower abdomen of the Immortal Thief King. He first carved Liu Xuanye's illusion rune, then twisted the thread with his five fingers and violently pumped out his vast spiritual power.

She couldn't kill a demigod, but she was trapped in Liu Xuanye's illusion rune. She thought she was going to die, forgot to heal herself, and temporarily lost her mobility, allowing Gong Youxi to drain his spiritual power.

Only half of his recovered body was left, his eyelids drooped, he was about to die, his heart was ashen, and he struggled to open his mouth.

"Switch sides it still...too late?"

Gong Youxi shook her head coldly, with only blood in her eyes.

"That's too late."

The Immortal Thief King was so mired in illusion that he completely forgot that he actually had the demigod cultivation level to crush Liu Xuanye, the Wilderness Emperor, and Zhu Shen Perfected Being.

How could a demigod die so easily?

"Tell Liu Xuanye that this is just my personal ambition. Let the Immortal Thief King 180,000 people go."

"If you do evil, you must follow through to the end, you idiot!"

Gong Youxi cursed, trying to completely defeat the Immortal Thief King's will and drain all his spiritual power.

"Except Master Lu Ya, Master Xuan Ye will not let anyone go. The three realms belong to the Netherworld!"

at the same time.

Behind Gong Youxi, there is a crack in the floating stone.

The Wilderness Emperor slowly got up and glanced at Gong Youxi and the Immortal Thief King, hoping to take the opportunity to find his Tiantian Seal.

Don’t bother looking for it. Just take a step forward and you hit something on the sole of your foot. Pick it up and take a look—

Supreme Bone.

It's yours, it's yours after all!

Gong Youxi discovered that the Emperor of the Wilderness had obtained the Supreme Bone, and stopped pestering the Immortal Thief King for fear that the Emperor of the Wilderness would be scratched on the feet by the other Supreme Bones.

"You're here watching the Immortal Thief King."

I didn’t feel relieved after saying that, so I added another sentence.

"This is what Lord Xuan Ye means."

The Wilderness Emperor does not have much ambition. In his opinion, the seven swastika seals together may not be better than his swastika seal.

Even if it is better than Xantian Yin, it may not be able to defeat the evil couple Lu Ya and Liu Xuanye. The cost of risk is too high.


Without the intervention of the Wilderness Emperor, Gong Youxi breathed a sigh of relief and quickly found the Seven God Rings and the Supreme Bone of the Soul Seal scattered by the explosion.

At this point, Gong Youxi stands proudly on the top of the gravel, holding the Seven Gods Ring and two swastika seals, and has transformed from a tool man into a Grand Slam player in one fell swoop.

She had never fought such a battle of wealth.

Happiness came so suddenly that Gong Youxi was a little dizzy.

For a moment, she wanted to use the power of the Seven Commandments to seize the swastika of the Emperor of the Wilderness, and then the Three Swastikas of the Integrated Union got rid of Liu Xuanye's control...

But think about it carefully.

The matter of seizing the ring is completely Liu Xuanye can do by herself, but in the end she continues to go up the mountain, doing some inconspicuous things, making her the brightest star on the stage.

It seems that the Seven God Rings are still risky!

And Zhushen Perfected Being is not completely dead yet...

Gong Youxi immediately gave up the evil thoughts in her heart, honestly searched for the remnant of Zhu Shen Perfected Being, and then scattered ashes into pieces without mercy.

After dusting for a long time, the fragments of Zhu Shen's Perfected Being are still everywhere. I don't know if it is an illusion, but there is a feeling that there are more and more dust.

“Things like giants are really hard to kill!”

The top of the holy mountain.

That's right, the holy mountain was blown to pieces, but the top of the holy mountain still exists.

The one-acre three-point land that was supposed to be blown away was inexplicably very stable.

Five people, Lu Ya, Zhang Lianxin, Jiuhu Fairy and Muyu Feifei, sat cross-legged in a large formation of blue light on the top of the mountain, surrounded by bamboos, pine trees, cherry blossoms and gurgling streams...

For some reason, the nearby land of a mile square was intact, with only slight vibrations, without the slightest shattering or overturning.

It does not conform to the common sense of physics, does not conform to the law of spiritual power, and does not conform to the inherent stability of the mountaintop illusion.

Very mysterious.

It seems to be an unsolvable mystery.

And the illusion remains.

Lu Ya looked at the Wang Zha produced by his wife, and then looked at the floating ruins outside the illusion, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Honey, you showed me off."

However, this wife is not the real Liu Xuanye, but a fantasy in Lu Ya's mind about his wife's pregnancy in the next few months.

As for Wang Zha, Lu Ya had already noticed it in advance.

The Little Bamboo Spring Mountain in the illusion, in the violent spiritual explosion outside the illusion, can not help but shake a little, and the lake in the shaking fog is undulating, and the waves rise and fall again, which can be regarded as a magnificent scene in the world.

Ning Zhongzi protected his chest with both hands and asked nervously:

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Lu Ya waved his hand and said to the ladies who were also nervous:

"Don't be afraid, it's a technical adjustment, don't be afraid."

Generally speaking, before the illusion collapses, the phantoms in the illusion will comfort or deceive the addict, saying not to be afraid, this is a normal phenomenon in the normal worldview.

As a result, this harem universe was built by someone unknown. Before the mountain collapsed, the addict comforted him and said, don't be afraid, this is the foundation.

The ladies in the show looked at Lu Ya with blank expressions.

There was a shudder in the daze.

There is a feeling of being played.

"Why are you standing still, keep playing cards, who lost just now?"

The entire holy mountain was blown to pieces, scattered into huge floating boulders.

However, due to the limitation of the mountain protection array, these boulders did not fly too far, and they were all concentrated in the mountain protection array thousands of miles wide and a hundred miles high.

And below the floating gravel is a circular ground.

It looks like an extremely high-level stone platform, as if it is the top of a thousand-mile-wide column that reaches the sky.

Tens of thousands of human-shaped ghosts made mournful howls, cruising among the suspended stones, and continued to march towards the distant mountain top.

However, due to the chaotic spiritual pressure and spatial turbulence, the speed of swimming is very slow.

Among the millions of netherworlds, a girl in red flew forward step by step.

Her domineering little face looked arrogant to the crowd, but her figure was that of a girl after all, and her jumping movements looked strangely cute.

Until she met a man on a large rock.

This is a middle-aged man in shabby clothes, sitting on one knee on the top of a boulder, as if he has been waiting here for a long time.

Judging from the face, he should be a handsome man, but after going through the weather, his face is rough, his beard is unkempt, his hair is tied into a rough braid with seaweed, and there are traces of river mud on his face, making him look very rough.

Like a fisherman.

But his restrained aura is so strong that even Liu Xuanye has a hard time looking straight at him.

"I heard you are a master of illusion."

The middle-aged man spoke.

Although Liu Xuanye looks like a girl, she has a very flamboyant aura.

"You can see me, which means I'm still a little short of a real master."

The middle-aged man smiled and said:

"Don't be too demanding of yourself. You are already the second strongest person in illusion I have ever seen. The divine seal on you is just the icing on the cake."

Liu Xuanye asked again:

"Are you from the Immortal Court to kill me?"

"So be it."

The middle-aged man looked sad and stared at Liu Xuanye secretly, unable to see through this woman.

"But I lack a sword."

Liu Xuanye glanced at the young man's waist, and there was clearly a long sword hanging on it.

I feel like there is something wrong with my brain.

The middle-aged man continued:

"Once... no, just a day or two ago, a man said to me that what I lost was not the sword, but the memory of failure. You are a master of soul magic. Can you help me find my memory?"

Seeing Liu Xuanye's eyes looking like he was mentally retarded, he added another sentence.

"As a condition, I won't kill you today."

Liu Xuanye shook his head, with only indifference in his eyes.

"The man you are talking about is my husband."

"Your sword is at your waist. It hasn't been touched for about seven thousand years."

"No need to look for the memory of failure, you will soon taste new failures."

Liu Xuanye made risqué remarks three times, and the middle-aged man laughed loudly.

"As expected of a master of soul arts, you are bluffing. Illusion is just a trick after all. If I destroy the Immortal World, can you still live alone?"

Destroy the Immortal World?

Is it amazing?

Liu Xuanye remained unmoved and sneered, with no trace of humanity in her extremely beautiful eyes.

"The only person in this world who can kill me is if I have his child in my belly."

After leaving such a sentence, Liu Xuanye walked straight past the middle-aged man without any hurry or delay, and did not change his route at all.

Thousands of sword energies wandered outside the sky, but they never penetrated the formation.

"This woman is so cunning."

The middle-aged man stood up slowly and looked down. The sword was still at his waist.

He frowned slightly and took off the iron sword from his waist. After seven thousand years of wind, frost, rain and snow, no matter how perfect the sword was, it would inevitably be corroded by spiritual power.

But at the same time, the scabbard accumulated a proud sword energy far beyond his peak.

It was only at this moment that he suddenly discovered that he had not forgotten his Sword Heart, but that the sword had been hidden by illusion.

Is this woman's illusion skills stronger than the teacher's?

While shocked, the middle-aged man finally understood the teacher's good intentions and accepted the failure calmly.

"After seven thousand years of hard work, my students have become stronger than you were back then. No matter how good God is, no matter what you are, I have no reason to lose again."

(end of this chapter)

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