The perfect dog food ending!

I thought I was writing a perfect dog food ending, but it turned out that the expression was too obscure, and everyone generally said they didn’t understand it, so I revised the last few hundred words to make it clearer.


Shenqu Mountain Yaochi.

After Liu Xuanye left for a while, Ning Zhongzi finally couldn't help but ask:

"Why did Xuan Ye leave again?"

Lu Ya said quietly:

“Her journey is across the stars and the sea.”

However, he still underestimated Liu Xuanye.

In infinite dimensions, with infinite identities, traveling through infinite years, one day, Liu Xuanye finally saw...

The height of the sky.

Only then did he realize that there is no sky in this world, only men who measure it.

As high as a man's body is, so high is the sky.

The longer a man's body is longer, the higher the sky will be.

She suddenly thought of her daughter...

Earth time, July 9, 2020.

Liu Xuanye transformed into Qian Yuji and descended over the Australian continent.

The infinitely fine wings are like tentacles wrapped around the waist of vines.

There was terror and darkness in his empty eyes, just like the Creator, cold and arrogant, indifferent to all things.

Cause and effect, logic, time, space, plane...all existence begins to slowly involute and curl up!

After a moment, she threw a newly formed sacred tree seed into this fertile land.

“A home should feel like a home.”


Some people are still confused...

Suppose there is a pyramid, one stone and one world. The male protagonist is the King of Neptune. He goes down to experience life, while the female protagonist keeps climbing up to find the top. The two meet on a certain stone. The female protagonist borrows the male protagonist’s strength to climb to the top and discovers that he The Lord is the pinnacle of pinnacles, and out of love and possessiveness, he involutes the world he meets into an independent world, cutting off connections with the rest of the world.

It's equivalent to your wife cutting off your contact with other women...

(end of this chapter)

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